Chapter 23 - Do You, Finleigh Yindi Killara Take....

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"I know it's only been four days, hun. But my little basement nest feels so dang empty already. Puppy is pining for you and I'm gonna miss our bed picnics something bad."

Meek lamented this mournfully as she reached across my legs to the platter. Grabbed a club sandwich triangle.

"You'll miss me making them is more like it. But Seth has moved in properly now, hasn't he? I thought his housekeeper was coming along too and taking up residence?"

I snuck a huge prawn into some cocktail sauce. And it almost found my mouth before Eddie lunged in and chomped. Nearly taking one of my fingers along with it.

"Bad Puppy!  Eat your salad. I'm not having you strut your buns down the aisle in my divine creation....looking like a pot-bellied pig"  He warned, wagging one of his own intact digits at my nose.

Mutter, mutter....bloody mutter....

We're lolling about on my huge bed and having a lunch picnic. In the private resort villa Norman rented for the big event.

Well, they're  picnicking  😒

Sounds of the hotel staff setting up chairs in the garden are obliterated. Thanks to the yells coming from the den. Where the boys are all watching a basketball game and having their own lunch.

I bet Norman's not being forced to eat a feckin lettuce leaf!

"OOOOH, HELL NO!  Whenever Seth weren't around? That stuffy ol' bitch landed on me with all four paws. Looking down her snout as if I was a bone not worth burying, let alone chewin on. A dang rattlesnake is cuddlier than that  woman."

"So I let slip that her royal bitchness, Sarah Lewington....was looking for a new housekeeper. And she jumped ship quicker than a rat on the Titanic."

"But you despise Sarah. So why would you help her find....Ohhhh."

"Well, I guess she's got a fairly good reason for being a bit slow on the uptake today. This place has got three king-size bedrooms, Fin. You gonna shred the sheets in each of them tonight, dearest?"

"Shall we give our little bride her honeymoon gift now, Meek?"  Eddie smirked and they both leapt off the bed and ran out into the living room.

I manage to gobble down two prawns, a tiny quiche and a mouthful of champers. Before my bridesmaids hoof it back.

"You two....honestly! No presents means exactly that. Truly, you really shouldn't have...."  The last sentence makes its way out through gritted teeth a tad ungraciously.

And as the fabric unfolds from the torn open gift wrap? They both bounce on the bed, cacking themselves like tweenagers.

"Well, don't keep us waiting. Go try it on and give us a fashion show. Another champers Meek....and a vol-au-vent darling? We must keep our energy up you know. Being a bridesmaid is just soooo  exhausting."

"Frown lines, Fin!"  He wagged that finger again so I give him one of my own before stomping into the ginormous en-suite bathroom.

Shedding my fluffy bathrobe I quickly don the offending garment. And without even a glance in the mirror, I take a deep breath before opening the door again.

Three hours to go until it's a fait accompli, Fin. You can do eeeet....

I've been chanting this little affirmation every hour on the hour. Ever since we touched down at McCarran Airport yesterday.

Ok....Ok! Every five minutes then.



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