Chapter 26 - I Present To You, Mr and Mrs....

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"Ooooh!  I really do like that one, Daggy. You've got your sunnies off. And the colour of your eyes matches the paintwork of the scooter perfectly."

"Gonna take me a while to photoshop it, though. Much as I think it's funny as all fuck, Skip? Don't know if I really wanna post a pic...." I pause to stop sniggering,

"....just to have everyone talk about the dog taking a dump in the background. Some folk might interpret it as commentary."

"Jaysus, Mary and Joseph....I really need to get some glasses!"

Fin squinted at the screen, then clapped a hand over her mouth. To stop the splutter of horrified laughter from coming out once I enlarge the offending image.

Got ourselves a couple of hours layover in Miami before the final flight leg home to Atlanta. We're tucked away in a quiet corner of the airline lounge. Scrolling through the photos I've downloaded from my phone and camera to my laptop.

Thought it's best to just pre-empt the media. Get our news out there myself by posting something on my Instagram.

Then prepare for all hell to break loose....again.

"Love your tits in this one, very nice eyeful indeed"  I nod to myself in appreciative memory, of how they'd recently felt under my palms.

"So are you, Daggy. Reckon you can photoshop your fly being done up?"

"Can't see a dog crapping in the street without glasses. Yet you can focus in well enough on my crotch. Wonder what Freud would make of that  one, eh Skip?"

"You choose a bloody photo. I'm going to get us a drink. Coffee, soda....whisky?"  She mumbled, all but bolting away with her face flaming. 

Leaving me hooting with the contradictions in her responses whenever I tease her.

Most times she gives it back to me tenfold. But also, like just now? She tangles herself up and all but trips over her embarrassment.

I absolutely love it. Either way!


Speaking of crotches though? I'm gonna have to seriously take mine in hand....pun intended.

Thank fuck Fin is an early riser. Cos I reckon she would've done more than blush. If she'd seen the stiffies I've been waking up with....every morning for the last three weeks.

Some of the dreams I've been having would deffo make her face pink up. Mine too....if I wasn't thoroughly enjoying what I remember of them. My missus has a starring role in each and every single one.

When I shoved her into the villa pool the day before last? It was more for her preservation than mine. Her response to my kissing her in front of the pap, left me with more than breathlessness.

When I felt Mr Happy start rising rapidly to the occasion for the second time that day? I knew I had to take some sort of deterrent action. Quickly.

I'm a pretty lusty guy and hell....Fin could give a walker a hard-on!

But she's my friend. And while I s'pose it's Ok for friends to fantasize a little now and then? It's not Ok for those fantasies to manifest themselves so....physically.

I gaze at the counter where she's making a cup of tea. Noticing that mine aren't the only  eyes roaming greedily over her now-toasted caramel skin. So many lickable inches of it not covered up by her short, strappy sundress.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang