Chapter 19

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Nico's POV :

I wake up realizing its Sunday and our last day on our weekend getaway, sighing as I slowly slip out of bed avoiding Damir's legs so as to not wake him up I wash up and brush my teeth before heading off into the kitchen. Finding the ingredients for pancakes I set up my station to whip up blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee for breakfast. Dancing as I stack the plate high with fluffy goodness I reach over to flip the last of the bacon accidentally burning the tip of my finger on the edge of the pan.

I yelp out in pain hurrying to put my finger in cold water, trying to hold back tears.. I was doing so well and now I'm looking a mess... I suck on my finger as I plate the last of the food. At least I didn't burn or ruin anything, it's just a little boo boo I tell myself looking at the little blister thats starting to surface.

"Ouch" it really hurts.. I wrap the bottom of my shirt on it as I head into our bedroom to wake Damir up.

Crawling over him straddling his hips I sit up and spread the palms of my hands over his firm chest as I stretch forward over him kissing his soft lips. "Good Morning handsome!" I say pouncing lightly.. he just groans and rolls over tipping me off of him onto the bed.

"Oh no you don't, Get up Damir. I've made breakfast!" I say excitedly dipping my face low onto the mattress as my hips are up in the air wiggling my butt. I pinch his cheeks and stroke his hair then watch him a couple seconds as I see him squint and close his eyes, he's holding back a grin.. so I do the next best thing. I bite his ear and lick his neck. "Wake up!" I pounce onto his chest rolling him onto his back as I giggle at the smile that breaks through on his face, he laughs heartily making me laugh out loud in turn. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him happily. "Come on I don't want the food to get cold"

Pulling him up as much as I can to a sitting position before he wraps his thick warm arms around my waist, sitting me on his lap. "Good Morning Kitten, I love the way the cabin smells with your fresh made breakfast" he says as I hear his tummy grumble. Giving him a quick peck on the nose I scramble to get free "I'll make your mug of coffee hurry and come out to eat" Soon he's out on his seat pulling me onto his lap as I straddle him, he feeds me from his own plate taking turns, a bite for him and one for me until we're done with it all. "And now for dessert" he says as I look around.. "I didn't make anything else my love" I say pouting my lip, looking sadly at him.

**Feel free to skip the next paragraphs **Beginning of Adult content**

"You are my dessert" he says simply making me blush as he takes my hand and kisses it. Placing his hands on my bottom he lifts me up and carries me back to bed. Feeling flushed almost immediately at just the though of him having his way with me. I tuck my face into his neck sucking gently, licking his neck and nibbling on his collar bone. He moans as he slips my shirt over my head then slides my boxers down off of me tossing them off somewhere across the room, we make quick work of discarding his clothing as well.

I playfully slide my tongue over his pecs down the center of his chest kissing my way down then over to his firm pearl of a nipple such a beautiful caramel brown I swirl my tongue around it before capturing it between my teeth and then flicking it. My fingers are playing with the other one at the same time as I press my lips over and suck gently at first then surprise him with a quick bite then a soft lick before moving onto the other one.

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