Chapter 7

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**(Pic of Max^)

Damir's POV:

It's been along day with out of the office meetings, breakfast with potential clients, golf with current business connections and lunch with international business partners. Took a break from it in the evening but ended up having dinner with a local political member who introduced me to a beauty he hoped I'd take interest in, too bad for him I've already got my eyes on my beautiful kitten.

Rubbing my head as I smile thinking of my sweet Nico, just the thought of him makes my body react. Shaking my head as I smirk driving down the road, who would've thought I'd start to fall hard for a youngster.. I want to savor him, to watch him learn and bloom into the man he'll grow to be with time. He's well on his way on his own two feet, I'm sure he won't be too happy if he finds out I looked into his background. Solid home foundation with good parents and steady education, I'm so impressed that he decided to strike out on his own and not depend on his family's wealth and status to move ahead, he's standing up with his own efforts. One can only respect an individual with the foresight and stamina that he's shown at such a young age.

Just as I start to pull into my parking space my phone buzzes Nico's name is announced on my car screen so I answer it "Hello?" but I hear a sudden thump and then Nico's voice sounding scared, my heart feels tight as I grip the steering wheel "Hello, Nico are you there?" "Nico, are you okay?" but I hear him talking to someone He's asking where he's being taken to, he's in pain and asking for help... My blood runs cold as I hear him mention Max. That Stalker has found him and has him in his car. I feel the rage building up in me but steady myself listening to any clues Nico can give me, I'm sure it's dangerous for him to do this so I have to make the best of whatever I can find out. Ok they're heading to a hotel somewhere, he's bleeding from wounds and I see he's shared his phone location with me. Smart move kitten, no matter what I'll find you.

I hear sounds and Nico whimpering as the door closes and his voice becomes muffled. Damn he must've left his phone behind in the vehicle. My heart is pounding in my chest as I take a deep breath running my fingers through my hair. I start making some phone calls to a few non-official local business associates who might be able to lend me a hand as I speed down the highway listening to the instructions I'm being given in regards to Nico's location. I'll be met by a few of Mr. C's men in case I need backup to retrieve Nico without incident and to dispose of that bastard! The Police couldn't keep him away and now my kitten is in danger, no more Mr. Nice Guy.

I pull yup into the parking lot of a dark and dreary looking run down motel that has flashing vacancy lights flickering like they're about to go out, I scope out the area and see there are no cameras around as well as poor lighting near the building itself. A few shady looking individuals are loitering around and a couple scantly clad women pacing near a room looking like they're ready for a client or two to drop by for a good time.

I scan the cars finding a dark SUV with tinted windows, as I walk closer to it I can smell Nico's scent from it but it's getting thinned out so I look around and I see a couple cars pull in, a few men come out and make contact with me, we head down the motel corridor towards Nico's scent as it gets stronger I stop in front of a door and the guys motion for me to move out of the way, they pull out a device and pop the door open slamming it all the way. Catching sight of Nico shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his torso, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arm out as if trying to push Max from him. I roar a warning out as I see Max towering over Nico with his hand ready to strike him.

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