Chapter 12

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Nico's POV:

Arriving at my place at dawn, I head in while Damir heads off to his office to make up for slacking off with me. It's dark and quiet so I go straight to the kitchen getting things ready for breakfast. It'll be hash-browns, eggs, bacon, strawberries over yogurt and coffee. I finish up and turn to see a sleepy Dolly smiling at me running over and holding me tight. "I've missed you so much these days, you're glowing and look so relaxed Nico." Kissing my cheek she takes my hand and we walk over to the table.

With this extra time we sit and catch up, she's taking summer introduction courses and joining clubs at the University to get acquainted with the layout and tap into the resources before all the other First years start moving in and creating chaos. "I've got mixed feelings about your leaving, I'm so proud of you and I want you to soar high but watching you leave the nest makes me feel sad at the same time."

"We're still in the same city and we're both having changes in our lives, even if I stayed longer we wouldn't see each other as we have while I've been in High School. I'll be working part time, trying to do an internship and getting settled with my new studies across town. You've got work, school and Damir as well so you're swamped as it is. We've got technology to help us out and the weekends to meet up every so often." She reaches over plopping a strawberry into my mouth. I smile and sigh knowing she's right.

"Wise woman, you'll make an excellent Doctor someday. Not only do you have smarts but intuition and common sense, I love you Dolly dearest" I hug her then head off to get ready for work. Before leaving I catch Dolly "Hey cutie girl are we still heading out later this evening to go dress hunting?"

"Yup, Erin's mom said she'd meet us at the mall so we'll be going in your car with you" she says flashing me a big smile and making puppy eyes "Of course I'll take you both with me, I'm so looking forward to what we'll find!" I say chuckling as I slide my leather jacket on heading for the door.

The day flew by with my deliveries and then doing the register at Maria's shop before I knew it I was back at home changing out into casual wear after my shower. Feeling fresh and relaxed I text Damir making sure he's on task and willing to meet up for dinner after the girls and I are done shopping, then Dolly who's already on her way over with Erin so I head out the door.

Arriving at the Mall we meet with Ms. Oscuro and head to a couple of shops but neither Erin nor Dolly were convinced on any of the options available so we ended up going down town to smaller shops with specific selections

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