Chapter 15

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Nico's POV:

Glancing at the clock I see its almost 5am so I sneak off the bed quietly, time to prepare breakfast for my love and I. I couldn't have ever imagined being so content in life, I know there'll be plenty of changes in the near future but it feels like life is getting so much better with Damir by my side. Humming I mix the waffle batter, make some whipped honey butter and chopped fresh fruit along with our morning coffee and sunny side up eggs. Debating over making sausage patties or bacon I feel strong arms wrap around me, purring I rub my cheek on his as I look up and kiss him. "Good morning my love, mmm... you're minty fresh, which would you prefer? Bacon or sausage?"

"Let's do sausage this morning, do you need help with anything?" he says, "Sure. Can you please serve up the coffee?" I sneak another kiss before he turns away. "I'll be done in just a bit" I say serving our food while the sausages finish up.

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I catch Damir staring at me with a pensive looking face, "What is it? Is something wrong?" I ask putting my fork down. "Well I've been giving this some thought and I want to formally ask you to move in with me. What do you say?"

"Move in with you?"... blushing I can't help but smile as I feel my heart swell with joy. "Yes! I'd like nothing more than to be able to see your handsome face first thing every morning and be in your arms in bed every night." I jump out of my chair going around the table kissing him soundly while sitting on his lap. "Thank you my love! I'm so happy." Rubbing my nose on his as I stroke the back of his neck.. tears begin to flood my face as I give him light kisses all over his face holding him tight. "I love you, I love you so very much!" Damir keeps me on his lap for the rest of breakfast feeding me off his plate.

We head off for work, the day goes off without a hitch then I ride back to my place to start packing up, I'll be donating my furniture to a local place so all I'm really taking are a few personal items, picture frames and my favorite pots and pans. Everything fits in my car in just one trip so I stop by the front office and speak to the manager, it wasn't too hard to break my lease since I just had a few months left on it and just paid a fine. I'll turn the keys in by the end of the week. Now that Dolly is gone it feels right leaving and moving on as well. The mover's come by and take it all in under an hour then the cleaning ladies come by to clean up the last bit so I can get the rest of my deposit back. I turn my keys in, get my money and head for home feeling light and happy.

My parents are coming over for dinner tonight since they'd been swamped with their business work and hadn't had time to visit properly. I put on my pink apron that Dolly made me in her high school home economics class, giggling I twirl and start to prep dinner: Steaks, twice baked mashed potatoes with finely chopped bacon, steamed asparagus with caramelized onions drizzled with my reduced butter vinaigrette, fresh baked dinner rolls and baked cheesecake for dessert.

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