A Big 'ol Flashback - ( 6 )

Start from the beginning




The door was left open, weird considering the Midoriyas were very cautious people. Katsuki quietly entered the house his search of his childhood friend and his mother. Deep inside of him, he was praying that nothing happened to them. There was an uneasy silence to the house. A loud thud came from the kitchen and Katsuki sprinted towards where it came from. There stood Izuku Midoriya, and in front of him, his newly deceased mother, laying in a puddle of her own blood.

She can't be dead!

Sobs erupted from Izuku's throat and Katsuki was quick to comfort him. Both were too shocked to call the police and spent several minutes sitting there, tears staining their faces.

Izuku abruptly stood up, startling the blond. Taking a shaky breath, Izuku wiped his face of any tears and looked at Kacchan. Katsuki had stopped crying ages ago but waited for Izuku to finish.


"Shut up Kacchan."

Katsuki opened his mouth to say more. He needed to say more. Ever since a few weeks ago, it was like a fog was lifted. He knew that bullying him was wrong, oh he knew, and put in effort to mend their relationship. He stopped bullying him, calling him out and hurting him with his quirk and ignored all the confused gazes and questioning his lackeys gave him. Izuku noticed, of course he did, and he realized what Katsuki wanted to do long ago but decided to wait it out. Katsuki only needed to say 2 simple words : he tried, he really did but every time he approached the nerd, his "friends" would think he was going to bully him. Now, he desperately wanted to help, to do anything.

Pushing himself off the floor, he stared at the boys face. Red met green, both eyes puffed after crying.


"Shut up Kacchan! You know nothing!"

It was true. Katsuki did know nothing about the life of a quirkless person. After being blessed with a powerful quirk, why did he need to know? However, Katsuki has never wanted anything more than to know what his childhood friend had gone through. To know.

"Dek- I mean Izuku listen!"

The damn nickname. The one thats haunted him since he was 5. Deku. Useless. Given to him by the very person standing in front of him. Something inside him snapped. His dreams of becoming a hero dissapearing with it. Looking at the blonde's face, Izuku understood all that Katsuki wanted to say. With a sad smile, Izuku turned towatds the door, and ran. Katsuki stared, too shocked to chase after his quirkless classmate. Unknown to Katsuki, Izuku had forgiven him long ago.


Many months ago, a man had approached Izuku with an offer. A chance to get a quirk. For a quirkless person, this wasn't an opportunity that would be passed up. So it was a surprise when Izuku Midoriya gave a hard no. Izuku was smart, he knew there would be strings attached and anyway, he wasn't quirkless anyway.

A front, a cover, a mask. Call it whatever you will but nobody really knew the real personality of Izuku Midoriya except of course, his childhood friend. The friend knew everything about his, except for the fact he had a quirk. Why did he hide it?

A warning. Izuku's mother was quick to tell him to hide his quirk. Because of the quirk that ran through his family, they were being hunted. All for One. Desperately seeking possession of the Midoriya family's quirk. With her husband already dead, dying in the hands of All for One, she couldn't risk the life of her child too. She would prefer her son to be bullied but very much alive than dead. So, his quirk was hidden. Inko Midoriya's quirk was a lie as well, but it was to be expected.

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