Chapter 1: Personal Asistant

Start from the beginning

"I did my job well. Working hard. Twenty-six millions. I brought twenty-six milions this year. Isn't that enough?" I asked, defeated. Lifting my head as I watched the old man wiping his sweat with his handkerchief while fixing his dark velvet vest. I smirked, it must take him a whole lot of energy, considering he was aged now, maybe that was why the hit wasn't as strong as before.

"Your stepsister brought thirty millions" He snapped, piercing me with his gaze.

I gritted my teeth and stood up "That's because she backstabbed me and stole my client. The project idea was mine!" I rebuked and took a step towards him, I could felt my vein almost popping in my temple while my fists tightly clenched. The old man stayed right where he was. Not even for a second, his hand cracked across my face, snapping it back with the force of his blow and causing my head to reel sickeningly as it slammed into the pole behind me.

"It was you who late at the client meeting, if it not because of her, we would lose the deal. It was your own mistakes" He pointed a finger at me. I was still regaining myself as I leaned against the pole, shaking my head when a ringing high pitched sound attacked my ears. He suddenly pulled my tie, forcing my head to face him.

"I won't tolerate with a tyrant at day and playgirl at night. Don't be such a disgrace to the family, turning to be like your useless father. My blood runs in you, but I see you had more of your father's traits than mine. I'm fully aware of how many girls out there you've played. Devoted yourself to someone. A week, I give you a week to change yourself Son Chaeyoung. I had sent your father away, what's so hard with my grandchild" He let go of his grip, and as if my soul had been sucked out, I fell on the floor with a loud thud, only for him to huff then step over me.

I laid there, unmoving. It was always this place, his dark office, the one I despised the most. My mind went into flashed of horrible memories that I painfully wanted to delete, yet it kept haunting me when I'm in my greatest vulnerable state. When it had become nonsense and heavier than I could lift, I shut my eyes and welcomed the blackness, sending me into a dreamless sleep.

A minute. The sleep felt just like a minute when I had aroused from my deep slumber. I am first aware of the coolness of the air. I'm not drunk, yet I felt the hungover sensation all over my body as if I was thrown into a washing machine, my head spinning like I was trapped in Katrina hurricane. I must have hit my head hard on the pole. When the pain had subsided, I walked out of the room, winched when my eyes finally met the light from outside. I glanced at my wristwatch, two o'clock in the evening. Exactly two hours from when I had left my office to come here.

The old man's secretary looked at me as if she just saw a ghost. Her face painted white as she jogged towards me. "Oh My God!! Are you okay Miss Son!? your head is bleeding and your face! God" She frantically yelled with worry and had dug out her phone from her tulip blue skirts. I had predicted, she was trying to ring my driver to bring me to the hospital but I stopped her from doing so.

"I'm fine, Jihyo-sii" I said and walked to the elevator. I was still thinking about what the old man had told. He was threatening me, knowing how much I wanted the company. Enjoying the rivalry of me and my sister fighting each other to prove ourselves worthy the position. My fingers curled tightly until my nails were hurting my palm, I could imagine the man's neck-snapping in my mind and it felt good. I could feel my fist smashing into his nose, splattering red blood on the dirty walls. I wished I could've done that.

I strode into my office, slamming the door behind me. My assistant looked up, startled, a half-eaten sandwich in her hands. The face she gave me was a hint of shocked when our eyes met, but her brown orbs soon travelled around my face, drawing another expression on her feature, something undecsribeable, a dulled-sickening face. She must be laughing at me inside her mind. I clenched my fist to the thought and to the sight of her. She had just added the final mento to the coke inside of me.

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