⚠️My Little Lost Pup (Kisame x Reader)⚠️

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
Blood and I guess depressing in away!
Readers POV
I looked at my blood covered hands as the memory floods back to me

Flash back

My light (h/c) turned into a dark ruby red as I gripped onto my father's throat as my mother's body lays lifeless in a pool of her own blood!
They killed the only person who kept me in this stupid village, and I won't let them get away with it. I ripped my fathers throat straight out of his body.
I look at their lifeless bodies, and over to my grandmother's.
"I'm sorry Nana, but I wasn't just going to stay sane after they made me watch you bleed out." I cry, and lay by her cold body not minding the puddle of blood, "you were the only family I actually had. The only one who didn't treat me as a pet and a pest." I said while darkness took over me.

Flash back end

I looked at the blue skinned, shark-like man in front of me while holding out his hand.
"(L/n) (Y/n), come with me lord Pein wants you to work with us." I looked at his hand then down at my feet, and trust me I wish I put on shoes. It was snowing, I was in my night gown, and socks.

Flash back continues

I woke up to my front door getting knocked in.
"What happened here? The girl she's the only one alive she must have done this!" An anbu stated, I shot up and sprinted out the back and through the woods! I didn't know where I was going but I knew for sure they wouldn't find me.
Man was I wrong, one tried to pin me to the ground but I wrapped my legs around his arm and ripped it clean off. One after one blood splattered in the perfect, untouched, white snow, on the unstained trees, and on my cold face.
I was wanted, I was seventeen, barely able to pay for a house, and I for sure couldn't trust anyone that was known.
Once again I had to figure out the world on my own, and I was once so pure with a strong rose color on my cheeks.
Now it was all gone nothing but a bottomless pit where my heart should've been. The heart was still there, and it was beating the same blood as the one coving my once perfectly clean night gown.

Flash back end

"Y/n, None of us besides pain know your story....do you mind telling us?" Kisame asked, giving me a kind smile, "if you don't want to tell everyone you can tell me after dinner later." He was my best friend, and also someone I had feelings for I know I could trust him.
"I'll tell you after you eat dinner then." I gulped, and went to my room. I laid down on the comfortable small box with springs I love to call my bed!

Flash back continued

I looked at Kisame's back as Itachi and him walked a head.
"What is it with you and love? It'll just get in the way of you fighting, and get you killed." I heard Itachi say, while I tuned back into their conversation! I started swaying due to the heat getting to me. I looked at them and the next thing I know is I fell on one of their backs.
Days later we got to the hidden mist. We were surrounded by 15 ninjas. It wasn't a fair fight, but we're wanted murders so why would it be? I looked over at Kisame who was having trouble fighting off three of them at once.
I jumped on one of the ninjas shoulders, broke, and ripped their head off as if it was made to pop off with ease. The next I ripped ones heart out and shoved it down the third ones throat!
"Love won't get you killed if it's the only thing that kept you fighting for so long to get revenge on those who try to take it from you." I said sitting down, watching as the third one suffocated on its friends blood and organ!
Itachi looked at me shocked as he easily killed 6. Kisame killed the others. I looked at them and blood covered my body mixing with the waterfall of tears going down my face.

Flash back end

"Sorry if I kept you waiting I know you hate waiting....." I mumble out, and sat on the floor by the end of his bed! He picked me up and sat me on his leg playing with my hair.
    "It's fine for you I'll wait because I'm the only one you put all of your trust in." He spoke softly, and smiles down at me, "now lost pup what happened to you that made you an S-Rank Criminal?" I looked at him with big eyes!
     "I killed my family, because they killed my grandmother. The only thing I held close to me, and then I killed over 20 Anbu before you found me and took me in." He looked at me with soft eye, and held me close as I started crying remembering the whole memory as if it was yesterday!
    "That's why you were cold to some of us, and ripped off Hidan's arm when he first tried to touch you?" He asked, I just nodded, as he kissed my forehead, "you can stay here for the night if you would like, and I know it'll take a while for you to know love again. But my little lost pup I hope you know I found you, I love you, and I'm never letting you go." I smiled, and kissed him softly while laying on top of him! His arms wrapped around me protectively, and for once I felt like I could relax. Like I didn't have to be a beautiful hawk on a fence on the look out. I looked up at him with glossy eyes.
    "I love you too, and thank you for finding me." I yawned, as I felt the warm feeling I haven't felt in three years. I was found, and loved to the point I finally fell asleep smiling the brightest I have in my whole life.
I know this had a lot of flash backs but
1.) I do not care
2.) I think it was needed to understand the story
3.) I like gore so I added it into a love story!


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