Shikamaru x Reader

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Shikamaru's POV
Her e/c eyes shined as she looked up at the star filled night sky, her s/c looked angelic against the moon light, and her smile grew wider as she continued to talk about the stars.

"Earth to Shikamaru." She said waving her hand in front of my face. Everything was troublesome or a drag before I met her that faithful day.

*flash back*
The h/c girl was twirling around as the cherry blossoms fell from the trees, smiles planted on her round face.

Sadly gravity had other plans as she fell on her rear, she looked up and saw a boy with pineapple shaped hair. Quickly getting up she dusted herself off.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, my names Y/n by the way." She was softly spoken as she held out her hand, still smiling, the boys friend nudged his arm and the boy shook her small hand

"Shikamaru." The boy said his name in a slightly annoyed tone, but he was intrigued as the girl pulled him to her and danced with him as music played.

They were almost 18 but this girl had no care in the world. Just living in the moment

*end of flash back*

We're now 22 She became a Conservation Scientist and used her earth style jitsus to help keep nature alive while they build onto Konoha and the other villages. She's very popular around there.

"Y/n, can I ask you something?" I asked before I even could think long and hard about anything else.

"I mean you just did but go ahead and continue." She said her eyes shining just as bright as if she was still looking at the night sky.

"How do you ask someone out that you've know for a few years?" Her face went into a questioning one as if she was thinking long and hard.

"Maybe just go for it? If they say no then it sucks for them. They don't see your true potential." I saw her smile once more, but this one had a bit of pain behind it. God dammit Shikamaru just tell her!! I mentally screamed at myself, but I just couldn't I didn't want to lose her closeness. "Who's the lucky person? Ino?" She added, and she kept her whole happy facade up and people would've thought she was actually happy. If they looked close enough they'd see the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"No, it's not Ino, but she is very beautiful and loves flowers just as much as she does." I said hoping she got the hint but she thought harder.

"Hmm the only person I know that loves flowers just as much is the cherry blossom herself." She said and I face palmed, and she had confusion written all over her face. "OH WAIT. It's Temari, you're always blushing and smiling around her. Oh she is so lucky." She said, and got up to leave.

*two years later*

I still haven't told her and I'm not with Temari, but I was walking with Ino and saw Y/n talking to Gaara. My blood boiled, but I knew they were mostly just talking about work. She's been staying at the sand village for a bit now due to her most recent project and her h/c has gotten lighter, but her smile is still the same.

"Dude seriously stop staring and just ask her out." Ino said annoyed "we're 24 and you've like her since you were nearly 18!" She added and pushed me over to them. I caught myself as I nearly fell on top of Y/n.

"Hey, when did you get back in town??" I asked a light blush coating my cheeks as I scratched the back of my neck, " Gaara long time no see what brings you here as well?" I added him into the conversation.

"Well I escorted Y/n back to her home, but it seems like you are here to do it I'll go talk to Lord Sixth." He said and whispered to me "She's still single get with her or I'll smack you." And he walked to the hokage office.

"Escort you to your house?" I questioned his words while looking into her e/c orbs.

"Yeah the project is done, we set up a new area in the sand so that they can grew new plants and so they can keep the animals from getting killed out there." Her words were like caramel over ice cream, and her smile still took my breath away.

"Since you're back home, let me treat you to dinner." I suggested and her smile grew brighter.

"Thank you so much. I'd love that really." She said and gave me a hug. I returned the hug and just held her for awhile. Our faces both grew hot as we let go.

*at dinner*

I picked Y/n up from her house, and we walked to the restaurant hand in hand, I held the door open for her as we got there. I spun her as we walked inside, just a habit I picked up that she liked three years back.

I pulled out her seat for her and sat down after her.

After we got our food and I looked at her and I knew I had to say it now or I'd never say it at all.

"Y/n I like you, and I have for a while, please be my girlfriend." I spoke to her while holding her hand. She looked at me and squeezed my hand gently.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, but I'd love it more if you can let me eat and stay over tonight." She added with a blush, and I let go of her hand smiling like a little child.

We soon finished our food and I paid before leaving, and we made it to her house.

Walking inside we kicked off her shoes, and went to water her plants.

"Thank you for keeping them watered." She said, to which's I just nodded not even listening as I got lost in her eyes once more. "Shikamaru." Her words went unheard just not her voice it was so heavenly.

I jumped as our lips connected, wrapping my arms around her waist I kissed back making her be closer to me. After we pulled away I looked at her our faces red once again.

"What was that for?" I questioned, and gently placed my hand on her cheek.

"So you'll quit day dreaming dork!?!" She said playfully punching my arm, and I picked her up and took her to her room. I threw her on the bed and towered over her.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked as her big doe eyes looked into mine.

"What I should've done two years ago." I smiled.

Anime x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora