Hanji Zoe x Reader

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Reader's Pov

Their brown eyes sparkled while they introduced their titans, a small smile was shown, and Erwin soon came up behind me. I jumped as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You should talk to them," He whispered, my face grew red, and I turned around quickly.

"Erwin I can't even if I wanted to, I don't know when I'm going to die, and I cannot make them feel sad because sorrow gets in the way, and could end up hurting them more." I said sadly, while looking at the brunette, my heart broke knowing I'll never be able to tell her how I feel.

"Why do you look so down short stack?" Levi asked standing besides me looking in my direction. I looked at him with sad eyes, and my poster changed into a slouch. My heartbeat quickened as Hanji ran up to the three of us.

"Y/n, why are you so down?" They asked, making me look at them, my face grew hot, and they placed their hand onto my forehead. My face got redder, "Get her inside she has a fever!" My eyes widened at their cluelessness, but my heart felt a bittersweet happiness knowing they won't be in pain.

"Hanji I'm-"
"Nonsense you're resting!" They said taking me into the HQ, and to my room. "Now get some rest." They demanded, and I nodded walking into my room. I slid down the door once I was in my room, and started crying silently because I knew they were still out there.

*Time skip*

Still Reader's POV

My eyes widened as I saw Hanji in the mess hall after hours my heartbeat quickened.

"Explain yourself." Was all I heard before they pinned me to the wall. "You were going to DIE AND NOT TELL ME! Some friend you are." I sighed and placed a gentle kiss onto their lips, they froze up, but soon melted into the kiss.

"I didn't want you to feel pain." I stated, after pulling away, but got pulled into another kiss. My hands soon found themselves tangled in their hair as they wrapped my legs around them. My heartbeat quickened as they started walking to my room. "H-Hanji I don't want to do anything intimate yet, so can we just cuddle and go to sleep?" I asked, and Hanji nodded with a big smile spread across their face.

As we lay on my bed, I looked at them and let out a soft sigh.

"Levi told me, and Erwin confirmed it." Hanji blurted out, my eyes went wide, but I just snuggled up to them.

"Goodnight Hanji." I said as a blush found its way to my face and I soon fell asleep.

"Goodnight princess." Hanji whispered and too went to sleep.


I might make a part 2 of this once since it was so short, but only if you guys would like that. please comment your opinions.

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