Bakugo Katsuki x Reader

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Reader's Pov

I glared daggers into Bakugo's ruby red eyes. He's very attractive, and I like him. There's nothing to lie on that, but the way he treats everyone kind of pisses me off.

"Quirkless Loser why don't you just give up on your dream because you can never become a hero without a quirk." I grabbed the notebook from Bakugo, and handed it back to Deku. I stood in front of him shielding him.

"He may not have a quirk, but at least he wouldn't hurt people with his if he did. All you are is a bully, and a jerk. You say you want to be a hero, but this isn't hero like. Your temper gets in the way." After my words Bakugo had an explosion go off on his hand.

"If you don't get out of the way I will burn you both." I stood my ground once again after his venomous words spat out of his mouth. I didn't move, and only winced when he grabbed me and burned my top and chest with another little explosion. It hurt not going to lie, but if I have to stand my ground to protect Deku I will. I promised them both I'd stick up for them if needed, and even though Deku doesn't need it I'm going to help him I will always be their side. I'll be their side kick if need be....if Bakugo or Deku need it.

"Y-Y/n are you okay?" I heard Deku ask as Katsuki threw me to the ground. I looked at him as tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. My chest burns, but Katsuki is still my best friend so I couldn't hate him.

"I-I'll be fine." I whispered while getting up from the floor. Hopefully Bakugo grows up well.

*Time Skip*

Still Reader's POV

Why did I think he would change? Ugh, that rude asshole.

"Y/n, Midoriya is here sweetheart." My mother shouted from down stairs. I grabbed my bag, and floated down the stairs.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Deku." I smiled, and quickly hugged Deku." How's Bakugo? I know you still talk to him." I asked as we walked to UA. I quit taking to that bozo once he caught my outfit on fire for standing up for him at a dance. I was publicly humiliated so I hated him, but I still want to know what he's doing. Deku and I were chatting until I ran into a chest and the smell of caramel filled my nose. I jumped back and looked down.

"Y-Y/n I-"

"S-Sorry I have to go." I ran off afraid of what would happen if I stayed there any longer. He'll just burn me again. I looked down at my scared up leg from that dance. I hated my body. I may love my quirk but everything else sucks now. I have nothing.

"Why does she hate me? She needs to grow up. It happened a year ago, she needs to get over it. I said I was sorry." His word stung worse than the scars as my body once again tried to heal them. Everyday new things happened with my quirk.

"K-Kaacchan, have you maybe processed the thought of you've hurt her forever. She used to think highly of you and she had the biggest crush on you too. That's why no matter what wrong you've done, she used her quirk to make sure it was fixed in time." Deku's words made my heart stop. His voice sounded so broken, and distant as if he spaced out half way through. You see I can time travel, but the only downfall is I can only go as far as an hour for right now.

"YOU NERD YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME." I heard Bakugo yell, my eyes widened as I heard him get closer. I ran to my locker quickly, and opened it, pretending to search for something. "You stupid dumbass." I heard Bakugo grumble out, before turning me to face him.

"B-Bakugo, I-I" I couldn't speak while his ruby, red eyes were looking into my (e/c) orbs. I looked down at my feet. "I-I-I need to leave." I whispered, but the truth is I didn't want to leave. I wanted him to pull me into a hug and apologize and mean it. I wanted the smell of caramel to fill my nose once more. I looked up at him and was pulled into a hug. I was confused, but I hugged back as his scent filled my world one more time.

"I-I'm fucking sorry I promised to keep you safe when we were younger and I ruined that the same night that I ruined the dance. Fuck it was even your party, I was trying to show off, and I didn't know that the dress would've caught on fire as well. Let me see it. Let me see the scar. The one you refuse to let them heal." I blushed and shook my head no, I didn't want him to see it, I didn't want him to see the mark. Bakugo pulled my shirt up a little and sighed sadly. "This is from the plastic hearts and you don't want to heal it because it symbolizes something. What is it?" I'm dumb, my stupid ass still likes him that's why I never wanted it to go away. I stood up for him because of the damn firework idea. I didn't want him hurt. He didn't mean to explode and burn the dress. We both were sweaty and he so happened to accidentally touch my thigh so it melted it into my skin.

"The night I turned 16 you were there we both were. Dancing we were sweaty you touched my thigh, and I ended up liking the little heart so I kept it." My words made him blush causing me to let out a small giggle. "I don't forgive you so you'll have to build up my trust again." After I got done talking he pulled me closer to him and shut my locker.

"I'll earn it just sit back and watch. I'll have you wrapped around my pinky soon enough my little sidekick." He smirked causing my face to heat up once again.

"He soon did rebuild my trust for him and we soon got together after that." I finished telling our daughter how her father and I became a thing, as I tucked her in bed. " Now get some sleep, your first day of UA is tomorrow. " I spoke, softly kissed her forehead. Yes she is 15, and luckily she didn't get her father's attitude. She also isn't like most teens; she doesn't have family issues.

"I want another one Y/n." Bakugo spoke softly, but still scared me so I jumped. I looked at him.

"Bakugo, I have work to do, a business cannot run itself tomorrow." I said sternly, but he still grabbed me by the waist and looked down at me.

"This isn't like me but have I ever told you, that you have the most beautiful fucking (e/c) eyes?" My face turned bright red, I became putty in his hands as he kissed me and pulled me closer. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. A thing of white light went off and a small giggle was heard.

"I'm keeping it." Our daughter said while the picture came out of her arm. I was confused on how she got the quirk, and who her parents are since we adopted her but it made me smile. She has more than one but that's the only one she likes using the most.

"Oi, go to sleep or I'll call the tape man." Bakugo teased.

"Go ahead Sero's son is kind of cute." She said before going to her room to sleep.

"I'm calling him and telling him to keep his son away from our princess." Bakugo yelled, causing me to laugh.

"Do it tomorrow right now let sleep." And that's exactly what we did. Just with a bit more spice.

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