Tenya Iida x Reader

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Reader's POV

Being friends with Bakugo, Denki, and Sero was kind of hard due to the fact I'm the good kid out of the four of us. I've always been well mannered, and quiet which made me a target to most students. How I got into UA is kind of a shocker. My quirk doesn't make me really cool so yeah. I can talk to animals, get them to help out a hero or a human in need or under stress, I also can end up getting their abilities and transform into the animal if I need to quickly get away. The only downside is if the animal has ears or a tail I'll have the ears and tail for a couple of days which makes sitting down harder on me so I normally stand.

Now here I am walking to class with a reptile tail sticking out from under my skirt. I mentally cursed, I wasn't trying to turn into an animal with a huge tail, but you see being the youngest you simply just want to get away from people and siblings so I turned in a huge lizard because my family members hate them. I stood in the back of the class as I entered the class room. I looked around and saw Iida, I yelped as I felt a foot stomp on my tail.

"B-Bakugo-San why are you so mean?" I asked, thinking it was Bakugo, but as I turned around I saw mineta. My tail threw mineta across the room. My heart shattered as I saw him hurt, "M-Mineta, I'm so sorry!" I apologized while running over there to help him up.

"Mineta it's not hero like to step on a girl's tail, or try looking up her skirt." Iida's voice boomed at Mineta, I looked up at Iida.

"I-Iida-K-Kun it's fine, d-don't worry I'll deal with him la-"

"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU STUPID EXTRA." Bakugo's voice boomed. I quickly grabbed Mineta, and went to the other side of the room.

"B-Bakugo, l-leave him alone I accidentally threw him across the room. I was just checking on him." I defended putting the purple boy down. "You want to be a hero, b-but calling everyone extra's, and being rude to them isn't hero like." I whispered, and he came close to my face. I was about to push him away, but Kirishima came into the room.

"Bakubro, leave the girl alone she was supposed to have a good day today and ask you know who out if you're mean to her she'll never confess her undying love to Tenya in a manly way." My heart stopped, as he let the name of my crush slip from his lips, and Iida heard because his face was bright red. I glared daggers at the red haired idiot, he looked at me with confused eyes, "What did I do? Did I say something wrong?" He asked, my heart nearly dropping to my stomach.


"You did everything wrong dumbass, you just told Iida that she had a fat ass crush on him. You fucked up bro." Denki said, wait when did Denki get here?

"Kaminari, Katsuki, Kirishima, Mineta may I please talk to Y/n alone?" Iida asked, His voice was soothing and easy to get intoxicated by.

"Sure just don't kill her bro." Denki said for the four of them, and they all filed out of the room.

"Y/n, how long have you liked me?" He sounded serious, and my face flushed as I looked away from his gaze.

"S-Since I-I got here, Y-You see I didn't know a lot of people, and Bakugo always said that there was someone I'd get a long here with that wasn't him, and it so happened to be you. I-I-I'm sorry I didn't want to tell you because of reasons, so yeah." Even though my mouth and brain said the same thing my heart had a different idea. I looked back up at him and our faces were both red from the embarrassment.

"I-I like you too Y/n."


"No buts I like you and I would like to be with you." His words replayed in my head, and I looked up at him with a bright smile.

"T-Tenya, are you sure about this? Dating me will not be easy since I barely talk? Wait I'm talking a lot now please make it stop. I don't like talking this-" I got cut off by soft lips landing on mine. My eyes widened and I froze. I was on cloud nine. He took it, he took my first kiss. He pulled away with a bright red face.

"S-Sorry I don't think that was very heroic of me to do that so I apologize." He whispered, and I just blinked at him as my face grew redder by the moment. I want him to do it again please do it again.

"T-Tenya, kiss me again p-p-please?" I questioned as my voice began to stutter. He reconnected his soft lips with mine, but this time I kissed back.

"What's the hold up, why is everyone lined up outside my damn door?" Boomed Aizawa from the hallway and Iida and I quickly pulled away, and took our seats, it hurt to sit on the tail but if Ojiro can do it then so can I. 

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