Levi Ackerman x fem Reader x Dead Hanji (spoiler warning)

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Reader's POV

Right after the war ended, Levi and I went back home. My heart broke as we rode past Erwin's and Hanji's houses.

"Levi, I'm going to grab something really quickly." I said hopping off of my horse and into Hanji's house. Walking in I felt the atmosphere grow thicker. I went into her room. Pictures of us drawn all over the wall. I grabbed the last one I drew of us. I was on my knee with a ring I made myself. The ring lied on the table. I held it in my hand.

Flash back

As Hanji pulled you from the ground, her face held a sad smile.

"Let's wait until this is over okay?" She said placing her hand on your cheek, you placed your hand on top of hers as you nodded knowing it was best since you never knew when would be your last day.

"I love you so much Hanji." My words were soft, and our lips locked together.

End of Flashback

"She'd be proud of you L/n" I nodded as tears escadded down my face. I let out a weary breath. "Her legacy lives on in you." I looked over at him and he wiped the tears from my eyes with his sleeve.

"Levi you're going to get your sleeve dirty." I said, trying to stop him by batting his hand away, yet he grabbed my wrist and looked down at me. My cheeks flushed a bright red. "O-Oi, stop that!" I huffed, and crossed my arms while walking back out to my horse.

"Unbelievable, Y/n, listen this is over, you don't have to worry about anything now." He was trying to be nice. My heart froze at his words.

"It's not that easy for everyone Levi." I mumbled, and threw myself onto the horse. He got onto his own and we went to our houses. My heart still felt heavy, "Levi, stay with me tonight." I whispered, hoping he heard me. I put my horse in the stables outside of my house, and only jumped when arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see Levi, and he too had tears in his eyes.

"I wish this was just a dream, so that you wouldn't have to be in all of this pain." His words felt like knives in my chest. "I'm moving in with you." My heart raced for the first time in a long time.

"Levi are you okay? This isn't like you." I turned to face him, our eyes never leaving one another. He rested his hands on my hips.

"I don't have people to boss around anymore so being cold isn't what someone needs right now. What's needed is a shoulder to cry on, and arms to hold someone when they need comfort." His words caught me off guard. He let me go, and I put his horse in the stall next to mine.

As we went inside he grabbed my hand and spun me around. My face grew red, and he chuckled as we walked inside. I've never had someone care for me as much as Hanji did, so having this kind of attention is still new to me.

What I didn't know is that there was a beautiful scientist that was looking down on us with a wide smile.

*Two Years Later*

Reader's POV

"Hey, Erwin, leave your sister alone." I said picking him up, and looking at the door to see my husband looking over at us. Erwin squirmed in my arms so I put him down, and he ran straight over to Levi, a small smile made its way to my lips. I walked over to him and placed a small kiss onto his soft ones.

He took my ring off and replaced it with the one I made for Hanji. My eyes widened, I looked up at him.

"It's not the exact one I had that one made for you because she was your first love, I didn't give it to you because I thought it would hurt you. I hope you like it." He rambled on with a blush dusting his cheek, I gave him another small kiss to his lips.

"Thank you, now there's something I need to tell you...we're going to have another baby." Levi put Erwin down, and pulled me into a hug, which I gladly returned.

Nine months later we had a baby girl and we named her, Hanji, since it was Hanji and Erwin who brought Levi and I together.

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