Buddha x Chubby Insecure Reader

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Reader's Pov

I smiled as my mother was flirting with Shiva, how easy it was for her to do so. The goddess of beauty and love. I bet she hates she gave birth to a daughter like me.

I was neither beautiful nor did love seem to be something that found me. I was laughed at by most when I assumed a guy liked me, but with being a god you have to keep your happiness showing. I was good at masking everything, but I wished someone noticed I wasn't as perfect as I showed.

"Hey Y/n." Buddha greeted, and I looked at him and masked a smile.

"Oh hey Buddha, what brings you here?" I asked awkwardly, and looking back at my mother. I had a crush on the carefree, hippy like god, but I get laughed at constantly for thinking he might like me too.

"Oh actually I came to see you, I went back to earth to see the earthling people, and I found something you might like so I bought it for you." He stated and I just looked at him shocked.

"R-Really?" I questioned as he looked down at me and handed me a little side bag. It was absolutely beautiful in its own way, and I loved it. "Thank you really, I love it." I said with a small smile.

"I'm glad you like it, just happy to see you smile a bit more every time I get you something is all." He stated and I was gushing quite hard, but I kept my face stoic.

"Thank you, just nice to know someone can see me first and not my mom." I simply stated while looking at my mom and Shiva.

"Don't worry not everyone has a thing for your moth-"

"Don't say that, it's disrespectful on my mother's name and what she stands for." I stated and turned to leave. "I'm going to my room I'll see you around dinner." I added and walked to my room clutching the back close to my chest. I jumped as Loki just appeared.

"Oh what's this?" He asked and tried taking the bag from me.

"Buddha gave it to me." I stated and kicked him away from me. I wasn't the fittest of the gods or goddesses but I do know self defense pretty well.

"Aw, you still think he likes you? How cute!" He said, and went to get closer, but I spun to get around him and he ended up falling on his face.

"If he likes me good for him, if he doesn't like me that's okay because everyone has their tastes." I stated and ran into my room and locked the door. I looked into my mirror and poked at my plush flesh. I sang softly as I put my necessities in the new bag, my mother was always the ones getting gifts. I was in need of a new bag, and I was getting my title today so it'll be official and I'll be an actual goddess. I quickly took a shower and got dressed, and ran to see Zeus. I quickly bowed, my knee slamming on the hard floor.

"Miss Y/n. Early as always." He stated and gave a small smile, "stand please to this day you don't need to bow, goddess of monsters." He stated and I stood up. I felt a burn on my cheeks. I looked at him and he smiled while handing me a small hand mirror. Three lines below each eye, and I smiled softly while touching them.

"When does training star-"

"Your whole life has been your training and will continue to be it, but I believe in you goddess of monsters." He cut me of and I nodded, and followed him to the dinning hall and everyone looked at me with wide eyes, and I took my seat by my mother and she smiled down at me.

"I'm proud of you sweetie, you worked really hard." She gave her half-assed congratulations, Buddha walked in pretty late and our eyes locked and he gave me a cold look and I lost my appetite.

*few months later*

Buddha and I haven't talked since I got my title possibly because of what he stands for, which I understand. I was walking to the arena knowing he was up next, he could die, and I couldn't have that at all.

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