Long distance.

637 28 53

~~ Third person POV. ~~

"And I was thinking, that we'd have a adorable kid! With the most adorable flag! I'm still thinking about the name though..But once I have one kid, I want another! Three sounds good right?"

Russia sighed. He was talking to America over the phone. He was TRYING to listen to America, but his mind was somewhere else.

"Russia? Ello? Are you listening?"

Russia popped out of his trance, sitting up and picking up his phone.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry America. I have to hang up."

"Alright! Talk to you la-"

America frowned. Russia had hung up on him. Yeah, he could've been busy, but America wanted to know why. America sighed and tried to text Russia.

America - I noticed that you hung up on me, are you busy?

America stared at the screen, waiting for a reply. He saw Russia typing, which made a spark of hope pop up, but then it soon died when the text was left on read.

America - Okay..I get it..talk to you later <3

America felt his eyes cloud up, but tried to ignore it. Canada tapped Americas shoulder, which he reacted to by quickly turning off his phone.

"Hey bro, are you alright?"

America wiped away his tears, sitting up.

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

Canada smiled, "Good! We're going on a hike, you ready eh?"

America nodded. He paused when a notification buzzed in his hand. He turned on his phone to see that Russia had liked one of his recent posts.

America smiled. They were that type of couple who would like each other's posts and put each other in their bios. Russia was probably angry, and didn't want to talk to him. But of course Russia wasn't angry at him..right?

America looked over at his family, who was walking out of the door. America grabbed his mini back pack and caught up with them.

America and Canada were walking together, and America jumped when Canada suddenly but his arm around his brothers shoulders.

"Soo, how's your relationship goin'?"

America chuckled nervously, "G-Good..But you know I can't lie to you, Maple. He's just been being distant lately, and I want to go give him a hug."

America then realized something, smirking at Canada. "How's YOUR relationship going~?"

Canada blushed, taking his arm away and looking the opposite direction. "I- it's going good."

America giggled, "That's good. You're dating Ukraine, correct?"

Canada nodded, and America chuckled. "Haha, bet I'll get married first!"

Canada gasped dramatically, "No way."

The brothers glared at each other for a while, until they finally cracked and started to laugh.

Suddenly, Australia came up behind the two, and NZ followed.

"Oi, mates. What we talkin' about?"

NZ smiled innocently, "Hullo. I haven't been in this fan fiction that much."

The three stared at NZ, confused. NZ just shrugged with this smug smirk on his face.

America cleared his throat, "Anyways, let's keep moving."

Russia was in Ukraine's room, giving each other advice for dating.

"It depends on WHO you're dating. If you feel bad about ignoring him, then get him a gift. He seems like the person who would enjoy that."

Russia nodded. Ukraine raised his eyebrow, "Why did you ignore him anyways."

Russia sighed, "I just have a lot going on and I don't want him to worry too much. Because he's good at sensing those type of things y'know."

Ukraine rolled his eyes and touched my shoulder, "Look, I have a lot going on too. But I still make time for my boyfriend. Now, what would you get him for his welcome back gift?"

"The blood of anyone who touches him besides me."

Ukraine spit out his drink, "What!?"

Russia cleared his throat, "Ehm, I ment a new sweatshirt."

Ukraine inhaled deeply, "I hope that's what you said. Anyway.. "

They kept talking about their relationships, and how they could fix it when America gets back, soon. Russia got kind of jealous when he heard how good Canada and Ukraine's relationship was. But the  again him and America has only been together for a week.

Russia yawned, getting up and cracking his back and knuckles.

Ukraine cringed, making a dramatic 'ugh' sound. "What did I tell you about doing that around me?!"

Russia chuckled, "Heh, sorry."


Thanks for reading 💕

Have another chapter, served on a golden tray. Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter will be out tomorrow ( I hope I'll finish by then. ) Have a great day/night!

Stay tuned~

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