Set up.

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~~ Russia's POV. ~~

It's been two days since I switched friend groups. Me and Japan were talking about holding a party and inviting everyone. Honestly, I just wanted to but in and say don't invite America, but that would be a little rude.

"Russia-Kun, what do you think? Inside or outside?"

I pop out of the daze, and look at Japan with a confused look. I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation.

"Oh, uh, inside or outside of what?"

She brings her hand up to her mouth and giggles at me.

"For the party, silly! Should it be inside or outside?"

She narrows her eyes at me with smirk, with her tail curling up. I thought about it for a second, outside would be more wild, inside would be louder.

"Why not inside and outside? People can go outside if they want to, and some can stay inside."

She gasps and claps her hands with excitement, I think she likes the idea. Everyone else nodded at me and some gave me a thumbs up.

"Okay, everyone! Meeting is dismissed!"

Everyone got up and started walking out. Did I mention we were at Japan's house that night? It was after school and on a Wednesday, guessing no one else had anything else to do.

I walked out the door and towards my house. Looking down at the sidewalk and trying not to step on any cracks. When I looked up at the other sidewalk and see America with Australia, talking about something on his phone.

That's when he looks up at me and smiles. He wasn't really been avoiding me, but I've been avoiding him. I don't smile back, but instead give him this death glare. He doesn't notice it because he's already continued walking; I wish he did though.

I get home and take out my keys, and open the door. Belarus comes up and hugs me, Ukraine following behind.

"Hello dear brother, nice to see you again!"

"Yeah, nice to see you buddy."

I smile and hug them both warmly, yet I'm confused because they've never greeted me like this. What could be going on?

"We told father that we finally saw you with other people!"

"You have a friend group now, how exciting is that, Brother?"

Ah, that's it. They're happy to see me being social for once. I admit, it was a big change, and I kinda liked it. We sat in the living room and started to talk about our friends and wait for dinner, which was pretty fun since I had a lot to talk about since the past two days.

~~ Japan's POV. ~~

"We can't let this ship sink, nya! I thought it would help inviting him to the table, but it just made America move!"

I was ranting to SK about my plans to execute plan RusAme. I don't care if they hate each other, they need to get over it!

"Hopefully, I'll have everything on the palm of my hands by the time of the party."

SK had his earphones in, I think he was trying to tune me out, but I just lifted them off of him and threw them to the side.

"SK, you have to focus! This plan has the be foolproof. We need to get them to make up before the party.."

My ears perk up, I'm such a smart cat!

"I got it! The fairs in town, and this will be the perfect opportunity. I'll call Germany and Russia. You'll see what happens next."

SK just shrugs and picks his headphones back up. I punch him playfully and laugh it off.

~~ Americas POV. ~~

I was sitting in my room, stalking Mexico's Instagram. Damn, those tacos look good! Then, my phone suddenly rings, and I pick it up. It was a text from Germany, how delightful.

Today: 8:45 PM

Germany - Hi Ame
America - Hi Germany, what's up?
Germany - I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the carnival with me!
America - Of course! What time?
Germany - 7:30, wait at the entrance.
America - Of course!
Germany - See you there :)

I out don't my phone and and jump on my bed a little. Finally, I get to go the carnival with my friends! I've always went with my family, which got boring quickly.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow, so I just got up and ran to the bathroom, taking a shower, brushing my teeth and washing my face, getting my pajamas on and jumping into bed. I huggedy pillow and dreamt of how much fun I'll have tomorrow!

~~ Russia's POV. ~~

I couldn't sleep, I thought I could but I just wouldn't. I looked at my phone to see that Japan texted me..Funny how I didn't see it.

Today: 9:12 PM.

Japan - Hi, Russia-Kun!

Today: 9:32 PM

Russia - What's up, Japan?
Japan - I was wondering if you'd wanna go to the carnival with me!
Russia - Sure I guess, I've never been.
Japan - Perfect~! Meet me at the entrance tomorrow, Nya!

I close my phone and set it back down on the table to charge. I've actually never been to the carnival, dad never let me. Belarus and Ukraine snuck out with there friends once, but when the came back they were caught.

I guess it's fine, right? I'll just tell him I'm going out with friends. I stop thinking about it and get up to change into pajamas, turning off the light and jumping on the bed to sleep. I didn't have a dream that night..Wonder why.

Hope you enjoy the chapter up spree! Tell me if you want another one of these and I'll totally do it. Sorry it came out so late btw, my mom grounded me sadly.

Word count: It isn't showing up :w:
Wait, nevermind: 970 words.

Childish Love - RusAme FanFiction.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang