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Alright, so people voted for America, and soon you'll see why. *Laughs in evil author.*


~~ America's POV. ~~

It's been a few days after my visit to the carnival with Russia. Japan had invited me to a party and I couldn't say no~. It was sunset, and I put on a dark silver hoodie with black ripped jeans. (Eee-boYY) I opened the door to my room and ran down the stairs. Aussie and Canada were sitting on the couch like they were waiting for me.

"Are you ready now, mate?"

I nod and they both get up. We walk out of the house and start talking about what we're going to do at the party.We make it there and knock on the door, to our surprise we were quickly greeted by Japan.

"America-Sama! Canada-Kun! Australia-San! Glad you could make it!"

She quickly pulls us inside and I begin to eye the place. I've never been to Japan's house, but she's been to mine. Her house is pretty big actually! (But not as big as this DI-) I walk over to the table with the drinks and pick up a random cup. I smell it, smelt strong as hell.

I instantly notice that Canada goes to talk to his friends and Aussie to his. I walk over to the living room where everyone was. Germany was the first one to notice me, "Amerika! Glad you're here!" Everyone else cheered after him, Philippines coming to hug me.

I go to sit down on the couch next to NK and Phil, which I swear one of them smelt of strong alcohol. I take a few gulps of my drink as we all started talking about tons of things.

"Soo, America-Sama, do you have a crush?"

I squint my eyes at her, my face tinted a light pink from being intoxicated.

"W-Why do you wanna know?"

She giggles and shrugs. I could feel NK wrap his arm around me loosely, and Phil eep at the sudden movement. Everyone gasps, but I just ignore it since I dunno what's going on. My head hurts..

~~ Russia's POV. ~~

I was upstairs with some other countries, a bottle of vodka in my hand. I wasn't as drunk as the others, since they were slurring there words and such. I decide to go downstairs and see what's going on down there.

I was suddenly stopped by SK when I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi, Russia! Haha, nice to see you! Wanna talk?"

~~ North Korea's POV. ~~

I saw America get up and slug his way to the kitchen. After a few seconds, I got up to follow him to not seem suspicious. I noticed that he got another drink. 'Perfect, now is my time.' I tapped him on the shoulder and lightly smiled at him.

"Hello, America, your drink seems empty. Let me add more for you!"

He looks down at his cup and nods, stretching out his arm to hand it to me. A took it from him and walked behind the counter, taking out sleeping pills and putting them into his drink while pouring more liquor.

I slide the cup over to him and smile, he smiles back and saddles back over to the living room. I hid the drinks and put the pill bottle back in my pocket, following him and sitting down a few minutes later.

~~ America's POV. ~~

We were playing never have I ever, and I was starting to feel light headed. Who the fuck put something in my drink? Or I'm probably tired.. yeah.. that's it.

Oh god, why do I suddenly have to pee? I quickly get up and tell everyone that I have to use the bathroom.

I shuffle to the bathroom and open the door, I end up just sitting on the cover and falling asleep.

~~ North Korea's POV. ~~

It's been a few minutes since America got up to use the bathroom. The pill must've worked!

"America hasn't been back for a while now, someone should go check on him."

Japan says as I raise my hand to volunteer. SK looks at me with fear, I told him some of my plan, only to scare him. I'm sure distracting Russia to keep him upstairs worked.

I get up and walk to the hallway, stopping in front of the bathroom and walking in. I knew what had happened, so there was no point in knocking! I see him passed out on the toilet seat. A smirk creeps on my fave as a pick him up over my shoulder and walk back out.

"He must've passed out, don't worry, I'll take him home right now."

Everyone smiled and nodded, telling me bye and drive safely. Idiots, they don't know what's coming to this lovely country.


Uh oh, poor America got drugged. If Russia would've been picked it would've been the same thing but just..Russia lmao. Thanks for reading! I don't know why this took me three days to write, probably because of my procrastination.

Childish Love - RusAme FanFiction.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن