Cute Teasing.

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~~ Russia's POV. ~~

Before I knew it, I was laughing and joking around while teasing the smaller country. I then sit up straight and hold out my hand to help him. He gets pulled up right as he burries his face in his hands.
"S-Stop teasing me..I just asked a question. Hmph."

I chuckle at him and decide to answer his question. But still, even though we just met, he's not that annoying as it seems.

"I don't, I've only just met Phil. But he seems like a nice person!"

America seems to pout a little more. He sways back in forth causing the hoodies sleeves to sway with him. It was a little bit big for him. 'He's so small, I wonder what my clothes will look on him. It'll be so cute~'

I then shook my head and snapped out of it. What would cause me to say something like that? My face turns a rosy pink as America started to stare at me. He giggles and pokes my cheek, his hand was cold compared to the temperature of my face.

"What are you thinking about, Russia? You're blushing~!"

I quickly shake my head to get the thought out of it. Then, the bus came. I got on first, but then America came to sit by me. I wonder why, the first bus ride with him I turned out to be a jerk.

~~ America's POV. ~~

After Russia teasing me, I tried teasing him, but it didn't work. The bus arrived and he got on first. I don't know what came over me, but I decided to sit by him.

It was awkward because he was looking out of the window, and I was facing the isle talking to Japan.

"So, America~Sama, what do you think of Russia? Because in the relationship, he's obviously a top!"

Everyone around us giggled, which contained most of my friends. I felt heat rushing up my face as I turned around to see Russia sleeping. I sigh and look back at Japan.

"H-He is kinda cute..But don't tell him I said that! He's been teasing me lately, but I don't think I have feelings for him! Yet.."

Everyone else rolled their eyes at me. Then, they start talk about how me and Russia would be a good couple. Just then, I heard Russia's soft snoring in my ear. I realized that he was leaning on my shoulder. My face turns red as Japan, SK, and Ukraine squeals.

"Look~! He's leaning on your shoulder!"
"That's just because he's sleeping! I don't even think he realizes it!"

Then, the bus come to a stop and I shake away my blush. I sit Russia up right and shake him to wake up. His eyes flutter open as he looks down at me.

"We're here, Russi." I start to blush again. 'What did I just say!? Stupid mouth!'

He seemed to be half-sleep, he got up and replied.
"Okay, Ame."
I get up after him, he really called me a nickname as well! I really had the urge to reach for his hand..after all of that, how could I not? I decide to reach for his hand, nothing happened besides him grabbing my hand as well. I blush, and it looks like he does as well.

We then part ways to go to our houses, that warmth I once knew left my hand. His hands were soft, too, I wonder how mine felt while he held it.

~~ Russia's POV. ~~

What's happening to me? I can feel my face getting red, and he actually grabbed my hand. I'm not gay, it was just a friendly hold, right? I look down at my hand and walk inside my house.

"His hand was warm, and so-"
"Who's hand was warm and soft, son?"

I look up and see my father, smirking at me. I blush out of embarrassment and look away.
"It's okay, son. The homosexual gene runs in the family~ haven't you noticed how weird Canada and Ukraine are acting."

I chuckle, my dad's the best. He has a good sense of humor as well, but when he's serious I'd want to stay away. I scoot upstairs and walk to my room, flopping on the bed.


Back to my regular sized chapters! Next chapter will have some action involved, so get ready.

Word count: 732.

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