He's gone x2.

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~~ Russia's POV. ~~

It had been a week since me and America had started dating, and the be honest, that flew by fast. I was laying in my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

I turned my head to see that America's name had popped up on my phone screen. I smiled and picked it up, tapping the notification. When I read it, it honestly made me frown.

America - Hey darlin'! Me and my family are going on a family vacation for 4 days, I'll miss youu.

I sighed, I new that he'd be safe, he was with is family. But something ached in my chest...I didn't want for him to leave. I sucked it up and texted back, trying to sound happy for him.

Russia - Of course, babe! I'll miss you, but go have fun.

With that, America immediately texted back.

America - I'll miss you too! Wanna meet up one last time before I leave? I just wanna see your face at least :(

Russia - Of course! Where too?

America - Where we had out first date~! We could watch the sunset together!

Russia - Alright. See you soon.

America - Byee!

I turned off my phone, getting up and walking out of my room (since he already had a adidas tracksuit on.) and closing the door behind me. I passed by father's office, and I didn't see him in there. Which was weird, because he was usually working at this time.

I ignored it and walked out of the house, locking the door when I closed it. I stepped on the concrete, sighed and smiling as I did.

I had made it to the park, and American wasn't here yet. I waited for him because I knew he wouldn't just leave me hanging.

America finally made it, running up and panting. He was wearing a oversized California hoodie (probably a gift.) and red cat-eye sunglasses.

He smiled and hugged me behind, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I was sitting down so he could easily do that.

"R-Russia! Sorry I was late. I was packing for my trip."

I nodded, giving him a fake smile. I saw the suitcase he brought with him, and was about to ask about it until he spoke up.

"I told my family I'd meet them at the airport, so when the sun goes down, you can walk me there~!"

America smiled cutely, putting down  the suitcase and sat in between my legs, his head against my chest. As we sat there, I noticed that he smelled like fresh lavender. Which was good, because I don't want a stinky boyfriend. (Who does?)

I noticed that America's body had gone limp, because he had fallen asleep. I sighed and embraced him from behind, looking at the sunset.

Once the stars started to come out, I shook America to wake him up.

"Wake up, you have to go."

America bounced up, he looked at me confused. But then he noticed and shot up, grabbing my hand and his suitcase. We went down the street to the airport, and he had let go of my hand.

It was a comfortable silence until we got there. I don't know why, it was only 4 days, but I was still going to miss him. I hugged him tightly without a word, and waved him off into the airport. He ran in, and I saw him bump into his family at the ticket line.

I smiled. He looked happy. But I wasn't. For some reason, I felt like I was going to loose him some how. I didn't want that to happen, not yet. I slugged back home. I felt a vibration in my pocket as I looked down and unlocked my phone.


I gasped at his bad spelling, and the urgency. I hope it wasn't anything too bad. I sped walked quickly down the sidewalk, my breathing getting faster by the second.

I finally made it home and I creaked open the door. The house was dark, only the light up the stairs illuminated the house. I heard crying from up there too, which made me even more scared. I rushed up the stairs. To my surprise I saw that dad was on the floor, unconscious. Well..I hope he was just unconscious.

Ukraine gasped, tears in his eyes. He came up and hugged me, and so did my little sister Belarus.

"Russia! Cracking..Mumbling..Death..Fall.."

Ukraine couldn't spit his words out, over him choking on his own tears. I hugged him and rubbed circles into his back.

"It's okay..it's okay..take your time and tell me what happened."

Ukraine sniffled, "The ambulance is on the way..Dad was having trouble breaking and..his face started to crack..then he passed out! Oh god, I hope he's okay.."

I felt my heart stop at that moment. My father couldn't be dying, could he? No, he's too strong for that.

All of a sudden, I heard sirens outside. Me, Ukraine, and Belarus ran outside. Before I knew it, dad was on a stretcher as he was cared into the ambulance.

I felt my stomach curl, my anxiety was getting worse. I wanted to go run and cry somewhere, I wanted the tears to flow out of my eyes, but no. Dad taught me to be stronger than that.

Once the ambulance had left, we all went inside and went into our rooms. I breathing wouldn't stop going at a fast pace, and so would my heart. I wanted to pick up the phone and vent to America, but I'm sure he doesn't want to be bothered with me.

I only knew one way to make this stop, whenever I was 15 I would do this a lot. I sat up on my bed and opened the third cabinet in the nightstand, which was filled with blades, alcohol and bandages.

Just a few cuts wouldn't hurt anyone, right?


Thanks for reading 💕

Wow, such a depressing chapter, I know. But I'm learning how to write angst, and I know it's bad, but here you go. Hope you enjoyed!

Yes, I'm now updating this book again.

Stay tuned~

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