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Hello, precious readers! I figured out a way to make the story longer. As I said, the chapters will only be coming out on the weekends. Thank you for waiting!

(Warning! Will contain America × Philippines!)

~~ Philippines POV.~~ (Whatt!?)

Today was the day I was going to see America and tell him how I feel about him. Even though I felt anxious and nervous, I pushed those feelings down and shuffled to America's house.

I got there, thankfully, and knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling and then unlocking, and I was disappointed when I saw that Canada had opened the door.

"Hello, Philippines! Haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing here?"

I froze up, then suddenly dropped my head to look at the floor.

"C-Can I come in?"

He nods and leads me inside. He tells me to make myself comfortable and sit down on the couch. I did exactly that as he brought us back drinks and sat down next to me.
"Is America home?"

Canada shook his head and took a sip from his drink.

"I-I'd like to tell you something...BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE!"

He giggles at presumably my outburst and nods his head. I sigh and start my story on how I developed a crush on America.

We were all sitting in the gym. It was the first day of school and we had to listen to this boring lecture from the principal. He finally let us dismiss and I got up with me class.

We walked into the classroom and sat down where the seating chart said to sit. Apparently I sit next to this 'America' guy. He sounds okay..but we'll see. Two minutes before the bell, he walks in with a pure white hoodie that says 'NASA' and light blue ripped jeans.

I could feel my heart flutter and my cheeks turn red as he sat down beside me. Love at first sight, I always say. -Just heads up, and I may have not said this in other chapters, but I like the the version of countryhumans with hair. :') -

Then, the bell rung and class started. The teacher started talking and I tuned him out, something I would never do. I stared at him at out the counter of my eye for the rest of class. He would occasionally turn to face me and I'd quickly look somewhere else.

At the end of class, me and him were the last ones to leave. I stood up and walked over to him and tried toake friends, which actually worked in the long run.

At lunch, people were talking about how this Japan girl was hosting a back to school party. I was in the line with America until this girl with cat ears tapped his shoulder.

"Hello~! You must be America~Senpai, right? I've only heard good things about youu! How would you like to come to my party? You can bring someone else if you'd like!"

He quickly agreed and turned back to me, with this goofy smile on his face. Which made me giggle and blush a little.

"Dude! Do you wanna come to the party with me?"

I smile widely and nod, he links onto my arm and we grab our lunch.

At the end of school, I got ready for the party and put on my favorite jacket, black jeans, and white - gucci - shoes. I ran down stairs and waited for America.

A couple minutes after watching T.V, a knock was heard on my door. I bolted up and opened it with excitement. To my disappointment, it was only Thailand who came to the door.

"Hey, Phil. Glad to see you! Sorry America couldn't make it, he had some sibling problems on the way here. So I've come to pick you up!"

Thailand's smile was friendly and warm, but it couldn't compare to America. I shrug and nod, and he leads me to his car.

When we get to the party, there's already lights flashing and loud as heck - Phil is a child of god. - music playing. Thailand drags me inside as I'm already feeling anxious and nervous.

When we knocked on the door, it immediately opened, and China was holding his wallet.

"Oh! Sorry, thought you were the pizza. Come on in Thailand!"

China moves to the side as Thailand steps in and drags me along. He finally let's me go and pats me on the back.

"Good luck making out with him! Haha!"

I blush a little and start walking to the center of the room, and there I see America chugging a bottle of Sake. When he finished, I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. He looked up at me with drowsy eyes.

"Oh..hey Phil..Come sit with me!"

He pulls me down in his lap with a jerk. People around us start cooing and giggling, as I'm only turning red. He wraps his arms around my waist as people start asking him more questions.

"Soo, America-Senpai...are you still a virgin?"

He pops up at the question and raises a eyebrow.

"Pshh, o-of course not."

"Are you lyingg?"

He shakes his head slowly. He may be lying, but if he isn't then I'm intruged..w-what am I saying!? He even isn't my boyfriend!

Canada then at that time stops me.

"Phil, do you like America?"

I slowly nod my head, and his face expression slowly changes to a scared one.

"Well, don't act like that around Russia. Whenever Ame hangs out with someone other that him, his eyes look like he's about to stab that person. I'm not lying! He's done it to me too!"

I tilt my head, I didn't know who Russia was. Was it the one wearing Adidas all the time? Well,

"Okay Canada. I'll be careful!"

"Okay, you can carry on. This story is interesting!"


Thank you so much for reading! Here's your rare Friday update since I was working on it through the week.

Word count: 1010.

Childish Love - RusAme FanFiction.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum