Carnival day Pt.1

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~~ America's POV. ~~

It was the day of the carnival, I popped up out of my bed and realised it was only 7:30 AM. I sighed. It's gonna be a long day. I got up anyways, slugging to my door and opening it, sniffing the air to smell fresh pancakes and bacon.

I forgot it was Canada's week to cook! Before he drenches my pancakes with maple syrup, I run downstairs and grab my plate. Whew, they're dry.

"I was just about to add the syrup for you, brother."

I awkwardly laugh and go to sit down in my spot at the table.

"No, no, it's fine. I'll do it myself."

He smiles and comes to sit by me aswell, of course his pancakes are soggy with syrup. Soon, Kiwi and Aussie run down the steps, dad trailing behind them.

"Calm down, kids! You're going to fall and burst your head open!"

They slow down as mom run down the steps and comes to kiss us on the foreheads. She walks to the door and grabs the keys, waving bye to us.

"Bye, my children! I'll see you later tonight. I love you!"

Dad walks over to mom and kisses her on the cheek, everyone at the table giggles like little children. Mom walks out the door and I check the time: 10:02 AM. A little bit closer than earlier.

"Brother, why do you keep checking the clock? Do you have somewhere to be?"

Canada asks me this and I look up. He's very observant, I must say.

"I actually do, bro! I'm going to the carnival with my friends today, and I'm excited!"

Canada gives a fake gasp, and I giggle.

"Brother, we always go together! What give you the right, hmm?"

I shrug at him and he playfully rolls his eyes at me. When breakfast was over, I got up and ran upstairs to take a nap. It'll get me even closer to the afternoon!

~~ Russia's POV. ~~

It was 7:30 PM. I dressed in a gray shirt with a black adidas hoodie and ripped jeans. I ran down stairs and almost ran out of the door, until dad stopped me.

"Son, where are you going?"

"Oh, erm..just going to the park with friends. There's a..event going on with pretty lights and stuff."

"Alright son. Be home by 9:00."

I nod and walk out of the door, grabbing the car and driving tot he carnival. Yes, I'm old enough to drive. I get out of the car and stretch, walking to the entrance and buying tickets.

I look around for Japan, and to my surprise I see America looking around like me. What's he doing here? Did Japan invite him as well? Might as well find out.

I walk over and tap America on the shoulder. He looks at me a little shocked, and raises a eyebrow.

"Oh, Russia. What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for Japan, what're you doing here?"

"Waiting for German-"

Mine and his phones ring at the same time. We both pick it up to see who it is.

Germany - I can't make it, but Russia should be there. Japan told me. Go have fun!
Japan- I can't make it, but America should be there. Germany told me. Go have fun!

We both put our phones back and look at eachother, we both knew that this was a set-up. America sighs and puts his hand on his hip.

"So, I guess we both got the same message. Wanna go inside?"

I shrug and nod. We walk inside together, but not too close because I still think that we aren't very close anymore.

I look over to see that America's eyes were lit up by all of the pretty carnival lights. Yeah, It's pretty, but I'll keep that to myself. He suddenly tugs on my jacket and looks up at me with a huge grin on his face, like a cute child.

"I wanna ride that one! But let's eat first so I can throw up all over you."

He giggles and I just rolly eyes playfully. The ride he was pointing at was a big crane that picks you up and spins you around. I shiver, because I'm not that much of a daredevil.

"Are you sure? Also, we aren't getting anything to eat yet. No barfing on me!"

He nods and grab my wrist, pulling me to the line of the ride. We start talking about school and stuff, then we finally get to the front of the line. America drags me to a seat beside him, and I just let him do it.

"This is gonna be SO much fun! Are you scared, Russia?"

I shake my head no. I might be a little scared, might have a little anxiety, but America seems fine. So I guess I could relax.

Soon, all of the other countries hop on the ride and it starts. America is bouncing excitedly and I'm holding on for dear life. It starts spinning and I can hear America yelling like a wild animal!

The ride stops and I hold my stomach as I melt out of the seat. America grabs me and takes me off of the ride's platform.

"That was so fun! Next, we're going to a rollercoaster!"

I shake my head no slowly, but he just ignores me and moves on to the next ride. Oh god, he's going to be the death of me.


Hey guys! Here's the second chapter of the day. I'm going to be changing my upload schedule to the weekend starting on the 14th, but this week I have fall break! Thanks so much for waiting, and I love the support you all give me!

Word count: 961

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