I'm Blushing?

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~~ America's POV. ~~

I sit down with my books in hand, Germany had waved at me and so did Japan and Poland. All of them were mostly my friends, but Japan was most popular. Me? I was about in fourth place, but that was alright with me.

The teacher then came in the classroom sluggishly, and started taking roll call. Just then, Russia walked in just as his name was called. That's very lucky..I look over to Ireland to see if he's behind the dark magic.

Russia took his seat beside me, and I shivered. Why me? Out of all the sea- okay, I admit, the only seat open was by me. I sigh and start to zone out, until the bell rings for second period.

~~  Timeskip to lunch! ~~

When the bell rung for lunch, I walked in with SK and Japan to our table. That's when I notice Russia and Phil talking, maybe even flirting? I don't know why, but I got angry and I felt like I needed to break them up. But why?

I stood up and walked over to the both of them, silently gritting my teeth.

"Hello Phil, and Russia. I wanted to invite you two over to my table!"

Phil's eyes lit up, like he's always wanted to sit with the popular kids. I guess that's everyone's dream. I grab Russia's wrist, who seemingly didn't care if he sat or not, over to the table.

I introduced Russia and Phil to the rest of my friends. I giggle as we talk about stupid, random things. Before I knew it, the bell had rung for the end of the day. ( Well, at least for me and Russia. )

We grab our things and walk outside, Phil waves goodbye to both of us, but only Russia responds with a wave back. We make it to the bus stop and he noticed how I've been being so quiet.

"Hey, Ame, why aren't you speaking and being annoying like you usually are."

Even though he calls me annoying, I still blush. If he didn't give a horses ass, he wouldn't have called me by any nickname. I finally break and whisper under my breath.

"D-Do you have a crush on Phil? You guys seem pretty close."

When I ask that question, he just starts cracking up. I don't understand why. Does my breath stink? Do I stink? Is there something on my face?
He finally calms down and leans to my level. His face was really close, and I could feel mine get red.

"Are you, jealous maybe? Aww Ame. You can't be jealous just yet~ we've only just met eachother!"

Russia teased me, and it actually got to me. He's a pretty good teaser when it comes to sma- tall people like me. He then stuck his tongue out like he was going to lick me. I totally turned as red as a tomato when he did that. I fell back and covered my face with my hands. Dear god, Russia. Why did you have to be so cute, hot, and perfect?


Hey, toe sprinkles! Sorry for such the short chapter, I just really needed to get this encounter out before people got grumpy about how now action was happening.

It's really late (1 AM) , and I'm supposed to be as sleepnow, so goodbye smelly sprinkles! (Also, sorry for the typos, I'm halfway asleep and I can't type properly.)

Word count: 580 words.

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