The next day.

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~~ America's POV. ~~

I woke up in a cold sweat. Well, I wasn't that cold, actually pretty warm. I was expecting to be back in that horrible room, but instead I was in my own.

I gasped and ran down stairs to see all of my family sitting there. Britain, France, Australia, and NZ came up to embrace me in a big hug.

"Oh, Cheri! Where have you been!? We've been looking forever!"

Canada got up and walked over to the bunch, prying me from their grip.

"Glad to see you recovered well!"

Britain came to the table and signaled us over, and we all sat down.

"Now, we have a lot to ask you two. Let's start, Canada, where were you and Philippines last night?"

Canada sighed and started to talk about where they went, he then started to go into detail and tell the story from the beginning. My family sat there all with shocked expressions.

I don't know why, but I felt myself tear up. I got up and hugged Canada.

"Thank you so much for saving me.."

Canada smiled and hugged me back, rubbing circles with his hand. "Don't worry, I would just leave you with that monster. He's already been reported."

Britain laughed, besides the fact that Russia came over, he had been pretty understanding.

"Alrighty then, me and your mom have to go to work. Canada and America don't have school today, so Australia and NZ come here."

They both groaned and walked over to the door. They waved at us before they left and closed the door. We heard it lock before we started to pull out our phones. Well, Canada managed too.

This isn't my jacket! It goes over my thighs, and my hands. My first instinct was to smell it, since all countries smell the same everyday. Besides Japan, she has a lot of fragrance bottles and stuff.

It smelt like Russia, and don't ask me how I know, because I just told you. I hug my myself knowing it's his jacket, and go upstairs to find my phone.

Good, it was the one I told Canada to take home before I got drugged. I take out my phone and look through my contacts, trying to see who would want to hang out.

I see Russia's name, and I decide to click on it. I put it on speaker and go to my closet to get changed.

"Да, Америка?"

~~ No one's POV. ~~

America started to take his clothes off, and grabbed a black turtle neck, dog tags, and a pastel yellow hoodie to go on top.

"Hi, Russia! I was wondering if you would like to hang out today?"

America would hear whispering and the phone moving before he got a response, "Да, okay. What time?"

America was putting on ripped jeans and checkered vans at this time. He put on his glasses,

(normal glasses. The one I described in The Emotional Square. Go read that by the way! If you haven't, they're round with rose gold rims.) and brushed his hair.

"Whenever you can pick me up!"

"Okay, I'll see you soon."

The call ended and America grabbed the phone, putting it in his hoodie pocket. He was going to tell Russia
thank you as soon as they see each other.

Soon, the doorbell rung and America hopped up, and ran to the door. He saw Russia standing there in a biege sweater, black ripped jeans, and white converse.

"Russia~! First of all, thank you for saving me!" America fell into Russia, trusting him to catch the smaller country.

Russia chuckled and instantly caught him, pulling America into a hug.

"No problem, everyone was worried about you."

America looked up at Russia and frowned, "I know..I was worried about my own life."

America got up and tugged at Russia's sleeve, making him step in. America led Russia to the couch and made him sit down.

"I-I have something to tell you..I-I know this is sudden! I'm very even sure about m-my own feelings yet..b-but.."

Russia raised a eyebrow, "America, spit it out."


America quickly looked away, not facing Russia. Which made Russia chuckle.

America felt a pair of arms wrap around him, "I like you too, idiot."


Thank you for reading! 💕💕

I know the confession was kind of sudden, but I needed it for the plot to go forward.

Thank you so much for your support and I appreciate it SO much!

Stay tuned~

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