Smart thinking.

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Sorry it took me so long to post something, so I'll post about 3 chapters today. I'll also make the relationship go slower~


~~ Russia's POV. ~~

I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay. I kept saying that to myself as I lay on my bed. Then, why do I keep thinking of him? I have to do something about it, be rude maybe? Then people won't suspect anything.

Ding dong.

It was the door bell, I slowly got up, but I already heard Ukraine running down the hallway to the door. I still made my way down there until I heard Ukraine yell,
"Canada~! I was waiting for you! Why didn't you come sooner!"

I made it to the doorway, of course Ukraine and Canada were there. But behind Canada, I could see America there as well.

~~ America's POV. ~~

Canada told me before he left that he was going to Ukraine's house. I knew that Russia lived there and I wanted to see him. When we got there, Ukraine had greeted us and Russia came down soon after. I saw him walk down and I waved frantically at him.

He slowly waved back, looking annoyed. 'What happened? Why does he seem annoyed?' Canada walks in and grab my wrist, soon letting go so he could run to Ukraine's room. It was just me and Russia, now. It was awkward since neither of us said anything. Then, Russia finally spoke up.

"I guess we could head to my room. But don't touch anything or do anything stupid."

He rolled his eyes and lead the to his room. It was cold in there, I shivered but soon got use to it.

~ Russia's POV. ~~

America was in my room now. How am I going to be rude to him like this? How am I supposed to tell him that I don't want to spread rumors.

"So..I-I really like your room.." I just roll my eyes and lay down. He stands in the doorway and tenses up, looking really awkward. He clears his throat and tries talking to me again.

"So, could you tell me abou-"
"Do you ever shut up?"

His mouth shuts was he looks down at the floor. I couldn't tell what his eyes were doing since the were behind glasses. Ge then sits down on the floor and plays with his sleeves, which was cute, but I couldn't say that to him.

Then, I heard a bump and a..scream? It was coming from Ukraine's room. (Room is the 420'th word-) I jolted up and ran to Ukraine's room, America followed behind.

I opened the door to the room to see Canada on top of Ukraine and Ukraine's hands on his shoulders. The look at us standing in the door way and start blushing like freshly bloomed roses.


I looked around to see if the evidence matched up to what Canada was saying. America was just on the floor laughing and taking pictures. Well, they were playing a video game, and the controllers were on the floor, so he wasn't lying.

I was guessing that Ukraine wanted to take it further before we got in there. He looked upset when Canada got up. I kicked America and he whined,

"What was that forr?"
"Get up and stop laughing like a idiot."

He got up and pouted a little, putting his phone back into his (Billie) Jean pocket. I walk back to my room and close the door to Ukraine's. America then walked back to my room shortly after.

America sat down Indian style and looked up at me, with a curious glance.
"Hey, Russ, what did I do? You seem to be mad or upset at me for something."

I just roll my eyes and approach him, he seems intimidated, and he wasn't good at hiding it.
"I'm not mad at you, I just don't want anything to do with you. Your only here because you presumably tagged along with your brother."

I knew hearing I didn't want anything to do with him hurt. He got up without a word and left, probably going back with Canada to play video games with them. I felt guilty about talking to him like that, but it had to be done.


Hi guys, I decided to slow down the relationship by making Russia a jerc- but don't worry, you'll see him turn into a gay boi. ;))

Word count: 756.

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