We All Have Our Secrets

Start from the beginning

The groups argument was cut short as an older, blonde doctor made his way into the room. "I heard the Chief's daughter was in."

Nixie recognized Carlisle immediately and couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the vampire being a doctor, of all things.

"Dr.Cullen" Charlie greeted.

Carlisle gave him a smile "Charlie." Looking to the nurse that was taking Bella's vitals and addressing her, "I got this one Jackie." Jackie handed him Bella's chart before leaving the room. "So, Isabella."

Bella cringed at the use of her full name, "Bella" she corrected.

Carlisle sent the girl a smile "well Bella, it looks like you took quite a spill, how do you feel?"

"I'm good." Bella responded.

Lifting his light to Bella's face, Carlisle instructed her "look here." After examining her eyes he proceeded to inform them "you may experience some post-traumatic stress, disorientation. Your vitals look good, no sign of head injury, I think you'll be just fine."

"I'm so sorry Nixie, Bella. I'm really-. Nixie cut Tyler off "would you shut it!" Before she could continue, Charlie yanked the curtain closed, promptly cutting her off before she could throttle the boy.

Hearing her voice for the first time since entering the room, Carlisle's eyes drifted to Nixie. His children had informed him on how the raven haired girl saved Bella's life. He knew of Jasper's fascination with the girl, but he couldn't help but think there was more to her than meets the eye. Of course he would never voice his concerns to his son, afraid of ruining any chances of his future happiness. He'd never seen his son so in control of his emotions and he didn't care what was up with Nixie, if she made Jasper happy then that was enough for him. He was also aware of the fact that Nixie had recently broken one of his nurses noses for trying to check on her, but he knew if he didn't at least try, his son would have his head.

"Nixie" Carlisle spoke, watching as her eyes met his. "How are you feeling? Is there anything you'd like me to check while I'm here?"

Unlike with the nurse, Nixie didn't feel the same irritation at the mans words, knowing he was being 100% genuine. It also helped that he wasn't shoving his stethoscope in her face against her will. She gave the man a small smile ,"no, I'm alright, just some minor cuts and bruises."

Carlisle didn't argue with her, knowing fully well what the girl was capable of and not wanting to end up like his nurse.

Bella, feeling the slight tension rising decided to voice her thoughts to the doctor, "ya know, it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward hadn't been there, him and Nixie knocked me out of the way."

"Edward?" Charlie echoed, facing Carlisle, "your boy?"

Bella continued, ignoring Carlisle's glance, "yeah I mean, he got to me so fast, he was nowhere near me."

"Sounds like you were very lucky."

Luck. Nixie didn't believe Bella to be lucky, in fact she was quite the opposite. The girl was a damn danger magnet.

Without listening to the rest Nixie headed out the door, knowing Bella was okay lifted a huge weight off her shoulders. She turned the corner, her face meeting a brick wall. Wait.. not a brick wall, someones chest.

Jasper would admit that leaving the school without checking on Nixie first left a sour taste in his mouth. But he freaked, he'd almost witnessed the girl he was growing attached to, die, while trying to save her friend. The minute Rosalie had texted him saying Nixie was in the hospital he had rushed up there. He was just turning the corner when he slammed into another body, quickly grabbing their shoulders so they didn't fall backwards. When his eyes met hers he didn't think twice before pulling her into his arms.

Nixie quickly returned Jasper's hug, completely forgetting how he acted earlier and instead just being grateful that he was there now. "I'm okay" , she insisted, "I'm okay."

Jasper stepped back from the embrace, grabbing Nixie'a face between his hands as his thumbs caressed her soft skin and his eyes greedily drank in the sight of her. "Do you realize how monumentally stupid that was? You could've died!"

Whatever moment they were having, was officially cut short as Nixie stepped out of Jasper's grasp, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Stupid?" She questioned. She took another step back, "what the hell is so stupid about saving my best friends life?"

Jasper could tell he hit a nerve, but he refused to back down. "Best friend? Nixie, you just met the girl like 2 weeks ago! And you were willing to sacrifice your life for someone your barely know?" Jasper was aware of the fact that he probably sounded like an asshole, but the thought of losing Nixie set something off in him.

"You wouldn't understand" she told him.

Jasper snapped "so then help me understand Nixie, tell me why!"

Nixie knew that if she didn't leave soon she'd end up doing something she'd regret. She took one last look at the boy in front of her before sneering "I don't owe you an explanation." And she turned away. She got 1, maybe 2 steps away before Jasper's cold hand gripped her arm, stopping her.

"Nixie, please" he begged, obvious desperation in his voice. He just wanted answers.

Glancing at the hand that rested on her arm before willing her eyes to meet his. His once golden eyes returned to their jet black, letting her know just how upset he was. "I'm sorry." She stated quietly, before turning back around and continuing down the hallway.

Jasper was persistent though, calling out to her again, more forcefully this time. "Nixie."

She paused, not looking back.

Jasper continued "how did you know" he paused, licking his lips before continuing "how did you know Bella was in trouble?"

Turning halfway towards him, she sent Jasper a sad smile, "we all have our secrets." And she was gone, leaving Jasper more confused than ever.

**Okay we all Stan a protective Charlie. I can't wait to expand the bond between him and Nixie. Personally I felt like Bella treated Charlie like shit in the movies so I wanted to bring in another daughter like figure because he deserves some love❤️! But holy hell, Jasper in this chapter man, I still love him though. Please feel free to leave some comments if you'd like , I'd greatly appreciate them! Love you all**

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