"Well I guess we found Chester." Warren said as they opened the door and found a man sitting in a chair and shot in the head, the gun limply in his hand.

"Hello, Chester." Addy said before she beat his face to a pulp with her Z Whacker.

"Somebody got up on the wrong side of the apocalypse." Murphy said softly, cringing away from Addy.

"What happened to you guys out there?" Warren asked Mack.

"She's working out some stuff. You know how things can catch up with you." He replied stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"The flashbacks?" Bailey guessed and he looked over his shoulder and nodded at her. 

"Chester?" they heard Citizen Z's voice echo from the other room. "You got them yet? You got my team? Hello? Anyone?" They all filed into the room to find a television screen with a webcam. On the screen was Citizen Z. He looked pretty close to how Bailey had pictured him, a geeky computer nerd with a headset, who would have guessed he would have been the one with the most power and best setup in the apocalypse?

"Hey, hey! Up here!" he called waving to get their attention. "Hi everyone! Addy looking gorgeous as always. Oh hey, you must be Mack." Citizen Z said remembering talking to a guy who'd said his name was Mack Thompson back in Philly when Addy had been kidnapped, "Huh, kind of thought you'd be taller."

"I thought you'd be old enough to shave." Mack replied unamused.

"Hmm, hey, hey Murphy, looking good sir. So guess what? I've got good news. California's back. They're alive and online. Well, most of them. But they're getting ready for you and the dream is alive. The mission is a go, thanks to yours truly. That's good news right?"

"Good news would be a package of Oreos and a couple gallons of milk." 10K said.

"Oh, yeah right food, sorry. Down the same hall, next door on your left. Should be everything that you need. I can't tell you how good it is to see you all again."

"Yeah, good to see us too kid." Doc said giving CZ a wave as they all left the room.


"Hey." Bailey called to Addy before she got in their SUV. The others were still hauling the supplies they'd found and 10K and Cassandra were already inside the car waiting to go. "What was that all about back there?"

Addy shrugged and looked at the ground drawing patterns in the dirt with the top nail in her Z Whacker. "I've just been going through some stuff, that's all."

"You know I'm always here if you need to talk." Bailey offered and after a slight pause from Addy she took a deep breath and started talking.

"I just started thinking all this really negative stuff and some of it still sticks with me."

"Like what?"

She took another deep breath, "Mack and I never stood a chance." She said and saw Bailey's eyebrows scrunch together in both confusion and concern, "Think about it, our relationship, what's it based on? Do we even have anything in common?"

"You're both alive, that's a start."

"Yeah but that's about it. You and I met Mack on the first night of the outbreak. He and I don't even really know each other, all we know is zombies and mayhem."

"Addy, we've all kept each other alive, Mack has fought to keep you alive." Bailey reminded her, "No matter how bad it's gotten. He's been there for you. That's so much more of a bond than anything else." She said, actually a little jealous.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz