Fusion Cuisine

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"Steven, 'Nuclear' means 2 adults and their child or children. My parents think you live with you mother and father." She explained.

"But none of that is true. You never told your mom and dad about the Crystal gems?"

"No, and it has to stay that way. If they found out I lied they'll never let me stay with you again."
Steven had gathered all the. Gems by the kitchen counter. They were all in a line so he could get an idea what to do.

"I have to choose one of you to bring to dinner with me." Steven told the gems.

"Garnet. Your caring, loving and supportive. Everything a mom should be. But your not much for conversation."

"Amythest, your the fun mom. We do all sorts of fun stuff together. But your also gross." Steven said. Which was accentuated by her picking her nose.

"Pearl. Your kind, smart, interesting to be around and can hold a conversation. But you can't eat." He said dejectedly.

"Lapis. You don't know what a mom even I do you." He asked.

"Nope." Was all the answer he needed.

Steven walked over to the couch where his dad was sitting. "Ugh, why did Connie have to tell her family I have one mom, not three or zero." He said solemnly.

"Well I definitely can't go and I'm pretty sure he can't either." Quasar said from the counter as he pointed toward will.

"I'm not pretending to be gay or make up some conveluted excuse that would never work." He said bluntly.

"Told yeah." The AI said.

"Why do we have to do this for the human?" Lapis asked.

Garnet gave her a Stern look. "Because this is Stevens best friend. And we want to make a good impression to them."

"And because the party with the Pizza's didn't go the best." Pearl said.

"Maybe if we put our heads together we can think of something." Amyhtest said.

Steven suddenly went wide eyes and stood up. "Of course, that's it. You three can fuse and all come." He said.

"Steven, we only fuse in deadly situations." Pearl said.

"And their are so many ways that could and would go horribly wrong." Will said.

"Like your consiousnesses fighting for control." Quasar said.

"Or the fact that you'd be 40 feet tall." Will said

"And if the four of you fused it would literally be a nuclear family." Quasar said.

Steven looked both confused and intrigued by that last comment. "What do you mean literally."

Quasar was about to explain before Pearl beat him to it. Causing more than a little annoyance for the AI.

"Well the fusion between myself, Garnet, Amyhtest and Will is called Uranium. She is as powerful as she is volotile. She releases high amounts of radiation. Which is high enough to kill most lifeforms in a matter of minutes." She explained.

"Coooooll." Steven said.

"Then what are you gonna do?" Greg asked.

The gems started talking Amon themselves. A few seemingly good ideas proposed. But they weren't good enough to work.

Will then suddenly got an idea. One he thought would work. "How much time do we have." He asked.

Greg checked his watch. "About....an hour and a half." He said.

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