Together breakfest

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Steven looked out the window.

"Huh, I guess their out." He said as he ran to the kitchen.

"Guess I'm making us breakfast."

5 minutes later

The kitchen was a mess. With cereal and oatmeal spilled all across the counter.

Steven was rummaging through the cabinets. Pulling out various different things. He pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup, frozen waffles and popcorn?.

The waffles popped up in the toaster. He stacked them in top and then drizzled it with chocolate syrup.

"Pearl, Garnet, Amythest, Will. Is anyone home." He asked as he banged on the temple door.

He microwaved the popcorn and sprinkled it over the waffles.

"Whatcha doin."

Steven looked behind him to see the avatar of Quasar.
He was using a holographic generator built into the counter.

"Making a together breakfast, because I mean this is to good not to eat together." Steven said as he pointed the the mixed stack of waffles, syrup, popcorn, whipped cream and a strawberry.

"Huh, and you made that why." He asked confused.

"I wanted to do something special."

He ran to the door and yelled out. "You guys I made us breakfast, come and get it while it's still warm."

"I don't know what Garnet is doing but everyone else is in the temple." Quasar spoke up.

Just then the warp pad chimed and appeared Garnet holding some sort of paper.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear." The he giggled to himself.

"Garnet, I know it's not exactly healthy. But it's in a stack, I guess you could say it's a 'balanced breakfast'."

*(An a different planet. Yang Xiao Long looked to the horizon. "I feel a disturbance in the Pun Force.")*

Quasar facepalmed. "Steven, that was terrible and you know it."

Garnet looked at him blankly.

"You know it's a together breakfast. I thought we could eat it together." He asked with hope in his voice.

"I can't right now. I have business to attend to in the temple." She walked over and extended her arms. The red and blue gem began to glow as the door opened.

"Aw what business."

"I have to burn this." She said as she opened the paper up. Revealing some sort of weird modern art.

"Quasar delete that from your memory. It could cause havoc if even seen."


She stepped inside the temple as the door closed behind her.

Steven went up and tried to open the door with his gem. "Come on, open."

The door did nothing.

"Aw it didn't do anything." Steven said solemnly.

"Don't worry, you'll get it eventually."

Just then the door opened and out popped amyhtest,. Shape shifted like a sterotypical 80's cop with a squirt gun.

"Fun police." She screamed as she shot water at the breakfast.

Steven dived to cover it.

"Nooooooo." He screamed as he blocked it.

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