Revelation and Retribution

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Will slammed into the lime green walls of the gem ship. His shields flaring as he did. He quickly looked up and could see the bubble of Slipspace outside collapse.

He dodged out of the way of a blast of molten rock from one of Sunstones punches. He came to a stop and raised his energy sword from hip. The Green plasma blades igniting with their signature hiss.

The golden visor of the Spartan stared at the anger filled ones of Sunstone. She snarled at him. "You'll die for that you filthy human!" She then slammed her fist through the air and made a molten rock line

Will dodged to the side of it and ran toward the powerful gem. Spartan time kicked in as he brought the sword back and prepared to slice right through her gem. Over where a person's heart would be.

He noticed to late the rapid movement on his motion tracker. A black blur slammed him in the side and nearly ejected him out into space. He hung tightly in the edge of the hull as he put his sword back. He then noticed the black gem standing above him. Her face filled with rage, which quickly changed to a sickly smile.

"Well well well. Little human out of tricks. I admit, you've been the most annoying enemy we've faced. Takes an awfully lot of skill and power to go toe to toe with 3 generals." Her glare then became dark as he tried to climb back into the ship. "Your luck has run out." She then raised her knife to stab him.

Will could see where the damaged ship was heading. He then turned his visor back to the gem. "Actually, it's you who has run out of luck." He then let go and used a jet of flame to slow down.

Jet and Sunstone looked at him in confusion. Then the entire ship crashed into a several mile wide asteroid. The ship breaking apart slightly as it dug a crater and tumbled. It came to a stop just as it was about to fall into a crater.

Will landed on the carefully on the large asteroid. His large armored feet making dust fly off into space. He used small jets of flame to keep him grounded.

He walked slowly to the crashed ship 100 feet in didn't of him. He summoned a SPNKr and made sure it was loaded with both rockets.

He stood there with the rocket at the ready for the gems to come out of the ship. He saw the airlock door bust open and to see none other than Jasper in the door way. He fired the rocket at the gem that was unprepared. But a large wall of rock intercepted it quickly. Blowing it apart in the process. Will fired the second rocket and saw it get sliced apart before it could detonate.

He reloaded the thing and put it away. He saw all three generals in front of him. It almost seemed like something out of centuries old cowboy movies.

The half human-half alien supersoldier in the galaxies most advanced power armor vs the millennia old gems with more combat experience and power than almost anyone.

This would be interesting.

"What's your name human." Jasper demanded.

(Play 'Fix me' by 10 years)

Will summoned a shotgun and racked a shell. "Sierra-009." He then entered Spartan time and rocketed forward with a boost of flame. Jet did the same and he fired a shot with his shotgun. She avoided it expertly and she swiped with her knife. He angled his arm and it bounced off his shields.

He dodged out of the way of  headbutt from Jasper and racked a shell. He then used fire to rocket jump over a wall of stone that Sunstone launched at him. The wall of stone then started to grow and extend. It became a large fist and chased after him. He used the force of the shotgun and a burst of flame to move out of the way to get the rapidly approaching Jet to get hit.

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