Bump in the night

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"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep." -Robert Frost

Steven didn't really know where he was running at this point. He didn't have a destination in mind whatsoever. He just felt like he wanted to get away from Beach City. From the ones that had shaken everything to it's core.

Wind whipped his face as he ran far faster than any normal person could. If someone were to see him at the moment, all they would be able to distinguish was a glowing pink blur. Accented by the slowly encroaching darkness of the rainy night.

Water had soaked nearly every part of his skin and had thoroughly drenched his clothes. His shoes stuck full of mud.

But he would rather feel that every day of the week if he could just go back to the way things were just a few hours ago. If he could stop the truth from coming out for everyone to hear.

It happened soon after the two Spartans had shown up at the door. Wondering where Will was, as well as meeting with Garnet. They weren't very talkative, the tall lady with green armor especially. As well as being way to still to be human.

They had both unnerved and interested him at the same time. He could figure out what they were from the stories Quasar and Will had told him. They were Spartan II's, the greatest soldiers and heroes of the human race

But no one told him but how blunt the ones beside his uncle were. Or how utterly inhuman they were. Amythest and Lapis were put off by them almost immediately. But he decided to try and get to know them better. Asking questions like who they were and what they were doing.

The blue one didn't really like him asking all this though. She gazed down at him through her the cold gold visor. She looked like a demon in cold metal armor that would just as much steal your soul when you turned around.

He'd been playing to many games like it, but she reminded him of doomguy. An emotionless killer that would stop at nothing to get the job done.

But the taller one he felt more at peace with when she showed up. She only spoke once and for a very brief moment. But those few words were of a softer, kinder voice.

It was strange for him, the first time in his life that he honestly didn't know how to help someone. To cheer them up and get them out of a funk. If he couldn't help people, then who was he?

Well, he knew now.

He was a Diamond.

As well as his mother.

She wasn't Rose Quartz, leader of the rebellion against Homeworld and the Diamonds. She was one of them! She could've done something to stop this! To stop everything!

But no, she isn't had to start a war didn't she?! She couldn't just come clean to the other Diamonds and demanded they stop.

He didn't really know what to think of mom anymore. She definately wasn't a picture perfect savior that him and everyone else thought she was. But she also wasn't this evil person who wanted nothing more than to make people suffer.

No, he'd seen the true . monster through the holographic screen of Quasar. Blue Diamond was the life definition of a monster in both actions and look.

Her spindly limbs that were deceptively strong. Her razor sharp claws that ripped through that fusion's armor with ease. A terrifying gaze that he felt stared into his very soul and threatened to actually rip it out.

She terrified him to no end. He felt like a little kid watching his first horror movie with Amythest. But at least he had the reassurance that those monsters weren't real, no matter how many times she tried to convince him otherwise. But Blue was far to real. She would get him if she had the chance.

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