New kid on the block

682 25 4

(sorry, online classes suck. Enjoy the new chapter)
November, 12 2551
Planet Reach

Admiral Jason ivanov was currently going over the report of the unknown ship that Slipspace jumped into system. And needless to say he wasn't happy.

But that didn't mean he was angry either. He was worried that if this random ship found humanities fortress. Then the Covenant couldn't be that far behind.

"Hopefully that day isn't today." He said to himself. He then deactivated his datapad and set it back down on the ships command console. After all, he had somewhere else to be.

Jason turned around to slam out of the large bridge of the Trafalgar. The large Titanium bulkheads parting to reveal a squad of ODST's and two Spartan 2's as his escort. He thought it was a bit overkill. But with him being one of the last Admirals left that had a decent chunk of combat experience, he was apparently priceless.

"Ready to go sir?" Asked the ODST leader.

He simply nodded and the group took off. With the helljumpers in front and the side. With the Spartans taking up the rear. Their rifles ready for a moments notice.

They walked the long hallway to the people moved tram. It opened with a hiss and they stepped onto the platform.
As soon as they were on it took off. Sliding align the length of the 4 kilometer vessel. Passing by dozens upon dozens of fighters, bombers and Pelicans.

Jason always liked this ship. The legendary class of Supercarrier. One of the few ships able to go for to toe with a Covenant assault carrier. And he was damn proud of it and it's crew.

After a few seconds they came to a stop at their destination. It was the primary hangar bag of the legendary ship. Stretching over 400 meters long and 200 wide. It was the single largest room on the ship. With nearly a hundred aircraft stowed in separate levels align the walls.

The Admiral soaked off the platform and descended the elevator to the floor with his gaurds.

He walked out of it moments later and stepped onto the floor of the hangar bay.

They made their way to a Pelican that had it's engines primed already. Waiting for them to takeoff.

They walked into the troop bay of the Pelican. Strapping themselves into the seats quickly.

The pilot then closed the bay doors and they took off out the hangar. Thankfully the Trafalgar was one of the few ships to have an oxygen barrier over its hangar hays. Negating the need for them to vent the entire room.

They quickly sped away from it and down toward the planet. It wasn't like he was going to be using it for much right now. It was going to receive a prototype shield generator. The first of it's kind and modeled after the Spartans own.

But the ship would be in one of the orbital dockyards for at least two months. Receiving the shields as well as an upgraded reactor and state of the art systems and hardware updates. As well as a new Shaw Fujikawa Slipspace engine. Making it the fastest ship in the fleet at 100 light-years a day. And finally repair the damaged armor sections from previous battles.

He was taken out of his thoughts when they started to approach the ground. The dropship rocking slightly as it descended through the thick part of the atmosphere. But he trusted the reliable transport. It had served well for decades, and it would in variations for many more if they survived this war.

"We're approaching the landing site." Came a distinctly feminine voice from the crimson armored Spartan sitting across from him.

He was filled slightly with doubt join seeing the supersoldier. As one of the few top ranking military owners left, he was privy to the Spartan Program. He didn't get everything, but he got an overview of what's been done. And it broke his heart to say the least. To know that they were this desperate to win.

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