So many birthdays

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Steven and the gems were looking through Amythest's room.

Steven lifted up a broken fridge with a stick.

"Ugh why are you guys in my room." Amythest cried.

"Because it's up the entire temple." Pearl said.

Steven then reached into a pile and pulled out a silver cylinder.

"Think I found it." He said.

"What in the name is this thing!" Pearl said.

"It's a burrito." Garnet said.

"It's a biohazard is what it is." Will said.

"Wow it's my burrito from aquabell." Amythest said.

"Didn't that place close down like 5 years ago?" Steven asked.

Amythest was about to eat the burrito when it was snatched from her by Will's armored hand.

"I'm not letting you eat this." He then burned the moldy burrito in his hand. Was it his imagination or did he hear screaming coming from it?

"Huh what's this." Steven turned to look at a photo.

"Wow is this looks like an old timey photo of you guys and mom." He asked

"Oh Steven, that is us." Pearl said excited.

"Why is everyone dressed like old timey people." He asked

"Oh Steven, those are old timey people." Pearl said.

"Wait then how old are you guys." Steven asked.

"Me and pearl are several thousand years old and Amythest is almost 300." Garnet said.

"About... 47 years old." Will said.

Everyone but Quasar was shocked by this. He looked barely in his late teens.

"That explains why you havent appeared to age since we met you." Amythest said.

"You guys only noticed that now." Quasar said.

"You guys must have had a lot of birthdays then." Steven said.

"We.dont really celebrate human birthdays Steven." Pearl said.

"I'm not exactly sure when mine is." Will said.

"Wait so you guys have never celebrated your birthdays and you don't even know when you're is! This is unacceptable, I'm throwing you guys a party right now."

"Oh boy." Quasar said.

1 hour later

"And the birthday queen is Amyhtest." Steven said as he set a crown on her head.

"Dad did this for me every year. It gives you special birthday powers." He said.

He then activated a plastic microphone and started to sing a song about the gems.

"No lion, it goes on top of your head." Lion then proceeded to try and take it off. "Lion, your killing me."

"I'm Steven, I know you put a lot of effort into drawing faces on things but... don't you think we might be a little mature for this ritual." Pearl said.

Amythest then proceeded to poke Pearl in the face with a party hat strapped to her nose.

"At least most of us are." Will said.

Pearl then chased after Amyhtest and they started fighting.

"Guys stop, here." Steven have Amythest a wooden baseball bat.

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