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The gems and Quasar were still talking as Rose and Will came back.

Garnet started talking as soon as she saw them. "This was unexpected but probably the best outcome I could have hoped for."

"What do you mean best outcome?" Will asked.

"Garnet can see into the future." Quasar said.

"Not exactly, I can see the different possible outcomes of the future. People see time as a river, only rushing in 1 direction in a fixed path. But it's more like a winding stream and splits off into almost infinite possible directions."

"Ok?" He replied.

"You took off your helmet. Your lucky Rose, seeing a spartan without their helmet is extremely rare." Quasar said.

"Thank you... I think?" Rose said.

"Where did you find him." Amythest asked.

"I was sitting up by the lighthouse watching the ocean and sky." He replied.

"What happened to you two up there. Because you seem to be getting along really well?" Pearl asked suspiciously.

"We reached an understanding with one another." Rose said.

"You can call me will cause 009 is staring to get on my nerves."

"Well then Will." Garnet got up close to him trying to intimidate him, which didn't work very well since he was 6.10 with his helmet. Being a bit above her height.

"What do you plan to do now."

"Well I've been getting all the info Quasar has been getting. From questions you've been asking. To satellite scans. And several reports from the fledgling internet I have come to a decision."

"And what is that " Pearl asked.

"I will stay with you and help for now. And I can't exactly go anywhere with the shop damaged now can I." Will said as he was picking up Quasar's data chip.

Rose went and hugged him as well as Amythest. "Dude we got a new Crystal gem."

"He needs to be a gem to join the Crystal gems." Pearl said.

"Actually Pearl." Rose said as she rubbed the back of her head.

Will stretched his arms out and a bright green light enveloped him. When it dissapeared his armor was gone replaced with a dark green shirt with UNSC written on it with the same eagle above in white. It clung tightly to his large body showing off his muscles. Making Amythest and Pearl blush a bit. And a pair of black pants pants made of some unknown material. They were surprised at the dark black robotic arm that replaced his left arm.  But the most shocking part was the dark green Emerald gem sticking out from his upper right arm.

"How is that possible." Pearl gasped with wide eyes.

Amythest walked up to him and tried to touch the gem. which she couldn't because even without his armor he was 6.6. which made him solidly taller than Pearl who was about 5.10 and Amythest who was 4 foot. But a bit shorter than Garnet who was 6.8 and solidly shorter than Rose who was 8 foot.

"Damn your still tall even without that thing." Amythest grunted as she tried to get up to him.

"If you stop I'll tell you more about it." He set the data chip back on the ground and Quasar reappeared.

He took out the photo he was looking at earlier. "If you do anything to this I will shoot you. It's all I have left of mom and dad." The gems only now realized he still had the large pistol and strange canister on the belt of his pants.

Garnet time the photo and Amythest and Pearl gathered around her to see it as well.

It was a human male next to an Emerald. They looked happy with each other, spending what was most likely the humans Christmas judging from their attire. They looked hard at her spiked green hair and like skin. They noticed something Rose didn't, a little bump on her stomach that was clearly from a human pregnancy.

They kept looking between the photo and him over and over. Noticing detail of both of his supposed parents. Such as the hair and face of the man but the body structure and eyes of the gem.

"How." Garnet was the first to talk.

"I don't know exactly how it works since sex ed was never a part of Spartan training.

Garnet shook her head. "No I mean how is this possible. Gems were never made to have human children."

I don't know the last time I saw my dad was when I was 6. But what I do remember him telling me is she gave up her physical form to bring me into the world."

Rose looked solemn as he said this. But no one saw this. Everyone but Quasar that is.

"What I know is that Dad was a UNSC scientist and Mom was a ship commander from Homeworld's navy."

"That explains the fire. Because Emeralds were known to have fire based powers." Pearl said.

Just then they heard a car horn outside. They lost track of the time and saw it was solidly in the morning. Suddenly a slightly chubby man with sunburn and long black hair that was all the way down to his upper legs. "Hey someone parked a big truck out there. And some of the other people are wondering what that loud crash last night was... Wow who is that." Greg looked at the man with a bit of jealousy seeing his muscles. But felt a bit better knowing he had better hair. (For now hahaha).

"Hello Greg, I will tell you what happened later as well as some more pressing matters. But this is a new Crystal gem. His name is Will and this she pointed to the hologram on the floor, is Quasar."

"Hello." The AI said.

"Aah." Greg yelled. "You can talk."

Quasar got a tick mark on his forehead. "Yeah you jackass  and I'm smarter than you."

"Please don't call him a thing, UNSC Smart AI are copied from human brains and effectively are digital humans. " Will replied.

"And who are you." Greg looked at Will.

"I am Will-009 Spartan of the UNSC."

"And what is the UNSC."

Rose put her hand on Greg's shoulder. "It's a long story that I'll tell you later.

Rose looked around at everyone and opened her mouth to talk. "Everyone I have some news to tell you."

Everyone looked at her.

"I'm pregnant."

Will and Quasar facepalmed.

"Way to be blunt with it Rose." Will replied

"That could have been said so much better." Quasar said.

Everyone looked at the 2 of them. "You knew!"multiple people said at once.

"She told me about it and some things from her past in exchange for things about me."

"Wait but if Rose has a baby, then won't she end up the his mom."

"Yes it would Amythest but I've been thinking about it for a long time and I want to do this."

"But rose you can't we need you." Pearl yelled.

"Who will lead us when your gone."

"I don't even know what's going on. First I see some random giant guy and a hologram or A something, then I find out my girlfriend is pregnant, and now I find out that if you give birth you'll die!"

A gunshot rang out through the beach and cave. Everyone looked to see Will holding his pistol up in the air. "Everyone calm down and speak one at a time."

The next 20 minutes were spent catching Greg up to speed and rose telling Will and Quasar about Greg as well as telling the gems what she had planned for when she's gone.

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