Cleaning house

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Earth Orbit

It was an honestly beautiful sight to Petra. Watching through the thick transparent Aluminum windows of the bridge at the gathering fleet that she would be commanding.

All of her frigates of both classes had assembled in orbit above Earth. They were currently facing the sun so that any spies would only see the bright rays of the sun. 

The windows of the bridge had automatically tinted and changed so that she could look out toward the star of Sol. She gazed back to the holotable, where images of the ships that made up the fleet were later out in realtime. The large Indianapolis class cruiser was surrounded by the near 2 dozen smaller ships.

Arthur gave her a notification that a Slipspace rupture opened up 50,000 kilometers to their right. The lumbering form of the other cruiser that made up their fleet exited the rift. The UNSC Song of Sirens would be an invaluable addition to their mission.

The UNSC Cyclops, the last destroyer they were waiting on, showed up just a minute later. It was only a few more minutes before the Song of Sirens had gotten into position 10,000 km off of their left side. While the frigates, destroyers and corvettes all were arranged around the 2 flagships.

Arthur appeared on the holotable in his familiar white armor. His hands were clasped behind his back like a businessman. "Captain, all ships are in position. They are ready for Slipspace jump on your command."

Petra nodded at the ship's AI, she then gazed into a window that opened above said table. A message to all the ships in her fleet.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. You've been gathered here for one very important reason. In the outer solar system is a fleet of Insurrectionist warships that is responsible for several terrorist attacks on Earth, Mars and Luna. As well as raids on several freighters delivering valuable materials. They have killed thousands of innocent individuals in their effort of so-called 'peace'. They hated the old UNSC for trying to bring them under heel forcefully. But today they give us no choice but to do the same thing. We will arrest their leaders, destroy their ships and bring back all the people they kidnapped!" Petra said with pure heartfelt emotion. 

She had read the unfiltered files that the Arcturus had on the Insurrectionists. She knew about the bombings, both conventional and nuclear. She knew about all the people they'd killed with their want to separate from the UEG. And she knew that even in the face of the Covenant that some still fought the UNSC.

They were dangerous people that she wouldn't bat an eye over killing. After all, they would do the same to her and the people under her command.

"So, who's ready to kick some terrorists ass!" She yelled. The chorus of hoorahs and hell yeahs filled the comm chatter. It brought a smile to her face to see that everyone was on the same page. 

Now all she had to do was make sure that this went off without a hitch. Which was easier said than done. Because, while all of their ships were better than the Insurrectionists. Both in power and durability. The enemy still outnumbered them over 3 to one. Most of which were corvettes with only a mini MAC. But they still could swarm her ships if she wasn't careful.

"Alright, input coordinates for a half million kilometers below Europa. We'll catch them from underneath and gut them." Petra said fleet wide. The comm channel then closed and she turned back to her bridge crew.

"Alright people, final checks. Sound off please." She said calmly.

"All fighters fueled and loaded. Their pilots are ready to go as well." Came the voice of her flight chief.

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