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Cal and Naomi gazed around at the large hangar of the Here Be Dragons. They had crossed into the car larger ship since they were needed by the captain. Well, at least Naomi was. Cal soaked off to another part of the ship and left a slightly surprised Naomi behind.

"Where are you going? We're needed on the bridge for a briefing." Naomi sent over comms. Trying to get the slightly larger Spartan to stop.

Cal stopped as a few injured soldiers and crew flew by to the medical bay. With the medics pushing their gurneys. She then looked back to Cal and responded over her radio.

"I'm gonna get a new helmet. As well as check on something. I'll meet you in a little while." She said before turning her head back and going down a large hallway.

Naomi simply sagged she shoulders slightly as she booted up a waypoint on her HUD. She didn't exactly know the layout of this kind of ship so she asked the resident AI. Which gave her an entire map of the ship. He even included the locations of something called Warp pads?

Naomi walked over to another corridor. Getting looks on her blue Mjolnir mk V. Which was strange since these people have obviously seen Spartans before. And the ones she encountered were strange. She still found it suspicious that they had the same powers as the gem thighs she fought. Maybe some kind of hybrid?

Oh, she would love to see how that works.

"Sierra-010, taking the Warp pad at the end of the hallway would give you the quickest path to the bridge. Simply step on it and think bridge. The command should send from your neural interface and activate it." Came the calm voice of the ships AI Arthur.

Naomi nodded and the AI dissapeared from her HUD. She then walked along the familiar Titanium corridor.

She had noticed slight differences in these ships then anyone shes been on. For example, both the frigate and this cruiser had energy shields. Which gave them a massive boost. Second was the thicker armor she had seen. From bulkheads being almost 50% thicker, to outer alters of armor that combined with even thicker interior armor to make plating over 3 meters. Giving it double the armor of a Halcyon or Marathon. It was well over the length of even a Valiant class super heavy cruiser. As well as having hundreds of guns instead of dozens. As well as having large guns other than the main MAC cannon. That was one she could only speculate on.

She was brought out of her rambling thoughts when she and made it to the blue/green crystalline pad. She cautiously stepped on it and sent out a command for the bridge with her neural implant. She was unnerved when the pad erupted into a white stream of light that carried her off.

Naomi gazed all around the white stream of light. Scanning it is with her helmet. She even stuck her hand out before she stuck her head out. But all she could see was black. She pulled her head back just in time for the stream to end and she appeared on another pad.

"Since when does Slipspace work like that? This place is getting weirder and weirder." She spoke to herself as she stepped off and walked down the hallway. Auto turrets on and scanning around. Most likely AI controlled.

A large bulkhead then opened up and a woman that looked to be in her mid thirties stepped out. Naomi had to look down almost a foot to look at her in the eyes. She was 6 foot 7, while Cal was 7 foot 1. So the captain that was less than 6 foot liked a child compared to her.

But the captain wasn't at all fazed by the woman who was much taller and more intimidating than her. She simply waved at her to follow and Naomi did.

"Sierra-010, you mind if I ask your real name. All my Spartan III's gave me theirs. But I understand if you don't want to. I just like a bit more personal touch when I'm talking to people." Petra said as she walked along the corridor with Naomi. With her armorer footsteps barely making a sound.

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