Mirror Gem

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(sorry, sometimes I accidently but the publish button and I'm not done. So then I have to unpublish it and finish)
It was late morning as Will arrived back at beach city. He was able to push the Warthog to it's limits since the highway was empty. Making the roughly 600 mile journey in about 8 hours.

He still wore his battle scarred armor from the previous night minus helmet as he pulled up on the beach.

Pearl walked down the stairs to greet him.

"Good to see yo....what happened!" She said as she saw the damage done to him.

"I'll show you what did it." Will said as he walked toward the Warthog with Pearl in tow.

"Didn't you just bubble the corrupted gem?" Pearl asked.

"That wasn't an option." Quasar piped up.

"What do you mean wasn't an option?" She asked quizzically.

Will proceeded to pull the cover off the back with his good arm. The pieces of the Windego both undecayed and unmoving.

"Oh my stars!" Pearl gasped.

"We found it feasting on a body in the woods. I tried to take it out from a safe distance, but it dodged the bullet in midair. There was a skirmish between us resulting in some damage and him becoming sliced and diced."

Pearl got a good look at the head, she saw the gem inside that was split in two.

"You....you shattered it." She said.

He shrugged.

"It was a heat of the moment decision. And after we decided it was best both for the sorrounding people and the gem." Will said.

"It's Gem was combined somehow with tissue and bone of some other animal, most likely a deer or a human." Quasar said.

"The flesh was to interconnected to the gem. Any attempt to remove it would shatter it anyway." Will said.

"I suppose it was unavoidable. But the question is do we just put it in a normal bubble." Pearl pondered out loud.

"I wanted to wait until we got back to bubble it, just in case it affected it and somehow ends up on the far side of the moon." Will chuckled as he made a dark green bubble appear around the arms, legs, torso and head of the Windego. He then tapped the bubbles and sent them to the Burning room. He then dematerialized the head into his gem.

"What's Stevie been up to." Quasar said with a smile.

Pearl sighed. "Well he came to me to teach him like the human 'school' after talking about it with Connie. When I realized what he actually talking about I gave him a gem artifact that was supposed to show him ancient gem locations to learn about. But the Mirror didn't do anything, so he asked me if he could take it around the city and I said yes." Pearl explained.

Will then walked toward the boardwalk. "Thanks Pearl, don't let amyhtest near it. I can only imagine the pranks she would do." He said as pearls face went pale imagining an Amythest version of that abomination.

Will walked along the boardwalk in his armor chatting with Quasar on his shoulder.

"What happened while we were gone." Will asked the AI.

"Well I've gotten texts from Steven. Apparently he found a time machine and nearly caused a paradox, he and Connie found a sword in lions mane that he and Connie fought a robot with, had a party with the Pizza's and fought a corrupted gem with them, found out how to access Rose's room and Sugilite almost killed him and Pearl after destroying a gem communication beacon. Just to name a few."

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