Hunter or Hunted

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(was gonna write a few more chapters before this. But then I realized when I was writing beach party that I don't like it and the next dozen or so episodes are just filler. So this is my kind of timeskip.)

30 miles off the border of Canada, Minnesota

Will has been on a mission for a few days now. He was tasked with hunting down a gem plaguing the northern part of Minnesota and the south of Canada.

This gem was first encountered a few years ago by a local who said they wasn't stalk off into the forest with a mangled corpse. The thing then appeared multiple time by eyewitness reports over the next few years. But it was only the last case just a few weeks ago when someone managed to capture a blurry image that Quasar found out about it and told the gems.

The sheer severity of it caused Will to pack up immediately and hunt the thing down. The other gems wanted to go with him but they had problems of their own to deal with. So he left the next morning in a Warthog and made his way North.

He started his search at the house of the person who took the photo. It belonged to a miss parker.

Will walked up to the door and knocked on it. After a few moments a young woman opened the door. She had tan skin that made him guess Hispanic ancestry. Long curly black hair that stopped a bit above her mid back. She had blue eyes and wore a.mixture of jeans and a blouse.

"Hello, I'm here to talk to you about the photo you took a few days ago." Will said to her.

"Umm... yeah come in." She said.

He stepped inside the small home. It looked well listed in by her.

The living room was immediately off the front door. There was a brown fabric sofa and chair in front of a decent sized Flatscreen. A desk was in the corner of the living room with a laptop and several half hazardly arranged books and an empty mug on it.

"Your rather tall arent you." She said.

"I get that a lot."

He sat down in the chair as she grapped a photo off the desk. She walked over to hand it to him.

"It all happened one night when I was investigating the local dissapearences. I wanted to find out what was going on in my hometown. So that night I went venturing off into the woods but, what I found was a lot more than I wanted." She said that last part with a bit of uncertainty.

"Do you remember what it looked like in detail." He asked. She nodded.

"It was easily 8 feet tall. It had pale white skin, with really spindley arms and legs. But don't let that fool you, I saw this thing easily lift up a whole grown man. It's skin hung tight to it's bones. But the head was the worst part. It was a deers skull, with razor sharp teeth. It had wide horns extending out the sides of it's head. It had dark red muscles extending from the neck attaching it. But the weirdest part were the eyes. There were no eyes, just blank sockets in the skull. But even still I could tell it could see better than any human."

"This doesn't sound like any known animal."

"It doesn't an animal. It was something this town has history of." She said as she looked down.

"What do you mean something the town has history of." Will asked curiously.

"The original Native Americans that inhabited this land had a new for it. They called fit a Windego."

"A Windego?"

"Yes a human that was corrupt with selfishness. They became cannibalistic and turned into monster." By the end of it she had her head in her hands.

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