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Needless to say the gems had even more questions now with the outburst of 009.

"He's not fully human is he." Garnet asked.

"He's more than human, he's superhuman." Quasar responded.

"What do you mean more than human?" Rose asked.

"Even without whatever fire power he has, Spartans are already superhuman. Even without their armor they are taller, faster, stronger and smarter than normal humans. Their armor just amplifies their strength and reaction time as well as being the most protective suit ever made."

"How do these Spartan's get this strong." Pearl wondered.

"That's too secret, I shouldn't have even told you as much as I did. And the rest I simply don't know. Probably only the highest members of the UNSC even know."

"What is this UNSC." Pearl asked again.

"The United Nations Space Command or UNSC is the military and scientific division of the United Earth Government or UEG. They protect humanity from everyone who wish to harm it. Weather it be us or someone else."

"So the UNSC is basically your military and R and D. And the UEG is the leaders of everything else?" Garnet asked.

"Basically. Now I have some questions for you. Namely what are gems and what is this 'Homeworld' you keep referencing." The AI finally on the transmitting end asked.

"We are gems. A race of sentient gemstones that project a hardlight hologram that has mass as our bodies. We can live for thousands of years and we can shapes gift our bodies as well as summon weapons and other various things." Pearl said.

"So you basically are gems that are made of light that has mass and can do weird supernatural shit." The AI asked sceptically. "Are you sure we didn't crash land into some sort of anime world."

"No. If you landed in an anime world we would be tripping over 009, have big boobs, and... Now that I think about it we do kind of sound like an anime." Amythest said bluntly.

"Amythest do not talk about such crude things." Pearl said while blushing and crossing her arms.

Rose let out a small giggle and Garnet even cracked a smile at the statement.

"As for what Homeworld is, it is the gem Homeworld, hence the name. Homeworld is run by 4 now 3 very powerful gems known as the diamonds. But they rule with an iron fist. And they don't even care if they have to destroy all the life on a planet to colonize it for gem production or usage." Garnet said.

Rose looked solemn for some reason at this statement but Quasar didn't know why. So he let it go for now.

"What do you mean gem production. Do you not reproduce sexually or asexually.." he said bluntly.

Amythest laughed, Pearl was blushing and flustered, Rose was ramrod straight, and Garnet was looking off into space.

Pearl cleared her throat and tied to hide her blush." Gems are produced by injection of a fluid into the ground, then it collects all the nutrients and life energy in the sorrounding area, then hundreds to thousands of years later they emerge fully formed and with those purpose programmed into them by the diamonds."

"But being programmed with this purpose when they are created is also a bad thing. Almost gem thinks for themselves unless that is part of their job. And any defects are either used for demeaning or grunt work, or are immediately shattered!" Rose stated.


"The only gems can die is by shattering. Where the gem is broken into multiple pieces. Gems can also experience debilitating injures or become impaired if their gem is cracked."


"What is life like in the place you come from." Rose asked with literal stars in her eyes.

"Well I am a naval Smart AI so I spent almost my entire lifespan on board the Arcturus. But from what I have seen through my access to the internet is that life is relatively peaceful before the war. Although we have had multiple In the last 500 years such as the rainforest war for example but average everyday life is peaceful. Much like what it is now on this planet. Except with some high tech and interplanetary differences though. By the way what is this planet called, I only had enough time to browse the most important info."

"Planet Earth dude." Amythest said.

"The statistical likely hood of this planet having the same species as well as the same name is simple beyond astronomical."

"I see what you mean." Rose said.

This went on for at least another hour and a half. Exchanging info about everything from daily life to ideals. Quasar only withholding info that was classified. Since it wouldn't do him any good to lie to the people that showed them hospitality. By the time they were done it was almost 2 in the morning.

"Now that we have a good understanding of each other I am going to go find 009."

"Just be careful, he may still be a bit upset." Quasar warned.

"Trust me I'll be fine." Rose flashed a smile as she left out of the base.

(This will be updated a bit irregularly. Since I am not the best writer and I do this when the mode strikes me. I will not give up writing this story unless I either complete it or something life-changing happens. And I have one or 2 ships already cemented. But feel free to comment any ideas you may think are cool. Or funny I like reading them.)

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