Cheeseburger Backpack

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Everything got back to normal after the red eye. But it did take a while to clean up all the pieces of wreckage.

But Steven wasn't thinking about that today. Today Steven was waiting by the mailbox this morning for a package with Quasar. The contents of which right now only he himself knows.

"What are we waiting for here again." Quasar asked.

"Waiting for a package." He replied cheerfully.

"Ok but what is the package."

"You'll find out soon enough."

Just then the mailman rounded the corner of the cliff. Walking toward the mailbox.

Steven rushed grabbed the chip and ran toward Jamie. "You got anything for my." Steven asked.

He rummaged through his bag and pulled out a letter. "A jury duty for a Mr Ernest P Warrell."

Steven shook his head.

He rummaged in the bag again. "Mail from a Mrs Klinton."

"No no no. Steven universe."

He rummaged through one final time before pulling out a box. "From Wackysack inc."

"Yes, this will help me save the world."Steven exclaimed.

"A Wackysack?" He asked.

"Yes." Steven said as he ran off.

"Whatever floats your boat." Jamie said as he walked to his next house.

With Steven

"So how exactly is a novelty backpack going to help you save the world?" Quasar finally spoke up. He didn't say anything when Jamie was around because he tends to freak these people out.

"It will help me hold all kinds of things. Like useful supplies on a mission, or holding important gem stuff. He exclaimed.

"What if it's radioactive." The AI asked sarcastically.

"Wacky sack makes all their products with radiation shielding fabric." Steven replied nonchalant.

"Oh that's go... wait what."

Before he could ask why the warp pad flower eland the gems stepped off the pad.

"Dude what you did was awesome." Amythest said to a slimey armored Spartan.

"Next time your jumping into a monsters stomach." He replied deadpanned.

"What happened to you guys." They said at once.

"Well we were retrieving the lunar statue. A gem artifact of great importance."

"Amythest held open the mouth and Will jumped inside to retrieve the statue from it's stomach." Garnet said.

"I had to cut my way out of a Damn stomach with an energy sword!" He said as he walked outside to hose off his armor.

"Ok then." Quasar said.

"Why is the statue so important." Steven asked.

"Well it will restore life to the Lunar sea spire. An important gem site on Earth. Oh Steven you should have seen it, a safe haven for all gems to go."

"But if we don't get the statue to the spire soon, then it will fall into the ocean." Garnet said, cutting Pearl off.

Stevens eyes lit up. "I can hold it in my cheeseburger backpack." He exclaimed while holding it up.

"Umm why do you have a carrying device shaped like food?" Pearl said uncertain.

"It's a novelty backpack, all the toppings are different pockets. Even the cheese is a pocket."

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