The Fall

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1999 Beach City Delmarva

It was a clear starry night in Beach city.  Rose Quartz was standing stop the hill that overlooked the city.

She turned around to see the resident fusion of the team. "Hello Garnet. Aren't the stars just beautiful tonight." Rose asked.

"That they are Rose, that they are."

Nights like this helped them forget about all the things the need to do. Such as fighting corrupted gems, hunting down artifacts, and keeping the earth safe.

But then that peace was shattered into pieces.

A loud Sonic boom ripped through the air.

"Was was hell was that!" Amythest screamed running up the hill.

"It was a Sonic boom as the humans call it. And stop swearing Amythest!" Pearl screamed running up behind her.

"Was it some human thing?" Amythest questioned.

"Maybe, but why would humans be operating anything like that right now" Pearl countered back.

"It's that." Garnet angrily pointed into the sky. Where there was a giant fireball crashing from the sky.

"Is it from homeworld, I thought they would never return." Amythest screamed.

"It doesn't look like any Homeworld ship." From what Pearl could make out it was long and black, with straight edges and geometric shapes. It looked interesting, but nothing like Homeworld ships look.

"It's going to crash just a few miles that way." Garnet looked in the opposite direction of the beach.

"Rose what should we do." Pearl looked to Rose for an answer.

Rose thought about it and a few moments later came up with a plan.

As soon as it gets light out we will go and investigate the ship.

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