Other places had collapsed but no one had been in there, so they all focused on the children's rescue house since there had been people in there and there were sure to be children stuck underneath it as well.

And ten six hours after the big earthquake had hit, the story got out, the fact that it was Amelia, and her close friend Steven were the one's stuck under the building spread like wildfire through the press corps.


"How long have we been here?" Steven asked when he woke up after their nap, the children were still asleep on their laps and she was happy to know that they wouldn't remember much of it anymore, at least she hoped they wouldn't remember much of it.

Their bodies had now adapted to being in the small, confined space they were in, there were small gaps here and there, probably providing them with what little fresh air they could get. That had been her first worry though when she woke up, that they would suffocate underneath the rubble.

"Seven hours." She told him, looking down at her phone, she knew that by putting him in plane mode she was preserving her battery. She was still at 70% and she really hoped that at some point she'd be able to contact anyone, someone out there in whatever manner they could.

"Are they even looking for us?" Steven asked her as their throats were hoarse from the dry and dusty air around them and from not having drunk anything since they got caught or left the camp really.

"I hope they are, by now they must know we're still under here." She explained hoping to sound hopeful, trying to look for anything that they could use to make noise with.

"Maybe we could break off a metal rod from the bed to make noise with." She suggested after checking if they had service on her phone, but they had none and she doubted if that would change, knowing how hard it had been to get service at the start of them being here. It was strange how it could be so quite underneath here when she was convinced that there would be a lot of noise outside of the rubble.

"We could try." Steven suggested to her as they checked on the children beside them, their heads resting on their thighs, readjusting them.


Alex and most of his family had left Balmoral at the time and was back at work in London when the news of Amelia being under a collapsed building reached him. At first, he'd thought it had been a joke from Meghan since the dislike between them still. She'd been released at the beginning of September but still had to get her treatment twice a week. But she was stable enough to be released from the hospital, or at least that was what they were told, everyone still had a long way to go to trust her again and he doubted she would ever be fully trusted. Harry and Meghan both admitted that Amelia's frank words had been the one thing getting through to her and that it had helped her to realize that she needed the help. He was happy that his girlfriend had managed to do that, and it seemed things were finally starting to look up for Meghan and Harry, privately at least.

They still had a long road ahead of them, to mend all the wrongs that had happened in the last couple of years. But they were on their way to fix things at least, he felt bad that Amelia could see the result of Meghan's transformation yet, but he knew his girlfriend would always doubt her and distrust her, too much had happened between them.

Whilst Amelia was in Peru, he was also in charge of their four dogs, including those she'd brought with her when she loved here. And they were doing fine, except for Alasse always checking if she was with him when he arrived home and being sad at her being gone.

And it had been during a chat with the Queen's grandchildren on WhatsApp that the first mention of it came.

Meghan; 'Just heard about a second earthquake hitting Peru.'

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