Or at least that's what he tells himself. Cause he doesn't talk to anyone.

"Okay. Then I'll just call him over here." Raven pulls out a piece of lined paper and scribbles some words on it, and her brother beside her frowns.

"Uhm, right now? Why?" He inquires, this time rather passive aggressive. Raven rolls her eyes.

"Because, I have potions first hour and this is due." She responded, as though it was obvious. The blonde waves her homework in his face and he swats it away. Scorpius rolled his eyes, and said nothing. He watched as his sister levitated the paper with her wand, and then floated it through the air towards the other table, where it landed in front of Albus.

At that exact moment, he wasn't talking to the Weasley's or his siblings rather than reading quietly to himself. When the paper landed the brunette boy grabbed it curiously and read the words, looking up and over at where the Malfoy's sat. After glancing at the paper and then back to the Twins again, he finally grabbed his bag and book and headed over.

When Potter sat down across from the Malfoy's everyone was looking. That was, until Scorpius jeered in their direction with a "what are you looking at?" Which made everyone quickly mind their own business. Albus seemed kind of taken aback by the harsh tone. The Malfoy boy would've snapped at him too had he had the chance.

"Thank you so much. I'm at a total loss and Scorpius says you're good at potions." Raven beams genuinely. That's the thing about Raven, she was actually nice to anyone when you first meet her. And she continues to be until you 'inevitably let her down' as she puts it. Albus smiles a bit when he realizes that Raven was welcoming him rather than snapping and he glances over at her twin.

"Why can't he help you? Scorpius is pretty good himself." The Potter replies. Scorpius frowned, suddenly engulfing himself in his own book, which he wasn't really reading. He just used it as an excuse to not be part of the conversation. To say he avoided socializing was putting it lightly.

"Because his ego doesn't need to be stroked any more than it already is." Raven counters with a kind of jab in Scorpius's direction. He muffled an annoyed groan. Albus laughed. A small, kinda soft laugh. It was cute, and it made Scorpius look up for a moment, but then he looked back down at the pages of the book. He absently runs his fingers through his platinum hair. No one knows but he actually bleaches it platinum, as his natural hair is a dark brown.

He's done his hair to match his dad's for as long as he could remember, so much that most people didn't even know he dyed it. Raven knew, and his family. So did his ex-girlfriend Christine. She was a year older than him and broke up with him rather recently. It wasn't a really fresh wound though; they had been having issues for awhile. Either way, Scorpius dying his hair wasn't something she cared to tell about. Not that it mattered anyways.

Scorpius and Raven didn't have a great relationship with their father, but he internally hoped that maybe if he looked more like him, that they'd be closer. That never happened of course, but now Scorpius has grown fond of the platinum blonde-Malfoy look. And he matched Raven. They were the eye-catchers of the school. They had to match.

After Albus had pretty much finished helping Raven with her homework she made a leap, that had Scorpius choking on his tongue. "Why don't you sit with us more often?"

"Maybe he likes sitting with his brother and sister." Scorpius butts in before the Potter has a chance to reply. Albus shrugs, looking from one twin to the other.

"Most of the people in Slytherin don't talk to me." He paused a moment. "Well, most people don't talk to me in general. I sit with them cause otherwise I'd probably just sit alone." He admits and laughs to make light of it. "I'm fine with it though. I'm more of a loner anyways." Albus waves it off. Scorpius looks at him curiously. He already knew this about him. Albus doesn't talk to anyone really in class. And he's picked on a bit by the Slytherin boy Daniel.

Soldiers and Serpents //ScorbusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon