28 Truth or Dare

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Scorpius put his feet up on the desk as he entered Defense Against the Dark Arts, leaning back in his chair. It took a few moments for class to fill up, and Albus came to sit beside him. "Hey, sorry about earlier. Raven and I were just joking around."

"Don't worry about it. You don't have to apologize to me." Scorpius tells him, watching as the boy sits. He took notice that Potter had pulled his scarf off, and his tie was loose so that the top of his shirt was open wide. A dark bruise could clearly be seen right above his collarbone. Albus busied himself taking his books out of his bag, opening it up to the page written on the board. Scorpius clears his throat, and it grabbed Potter's attention, looking over at him and meeting gazes. "For the record, I'm not submissive in the bedroom."

Albus lowered his voice, and dropped his eyelids a bit, looking over at Scorpius. He glances the boy up and down for a moment. He licks his lips, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. Scorpius watches, entranced for a moment. "No, I think you like to be told what to do. After all, I did say to give me this, didn't I?" He taps his throat, where the bruise was visible. "Lie to me, tell me I'm wrong." Albus invites. Scorpius gave a nervous laugh, sitting up normally as the Professor enters, diverting his eyes from the boy.

"You're fucking wrong, Potter." He replies, pulling out his book and not looking over at him. Albus lightly slaps the table, making Scorpius look back up at him in surprise.

"I'm rarely wrong, Malfoy." Albus's voice was confident and bold, which contrasted with how he use to speak months ago. Now, he seemed a lot more brave. Perhaps that's what being friends with Scorpius did. Perhaps being bullied sucked self-confidence out of you, and now he was growing back into it. Or maybe, Albus Potter was just straight up demanding when it came to topics like sex. Scorpius thought it was all three, diverting his eyes, looking to his books to begin working.

The professor begins to assign a semester long project, saying to get into groups of three or four. As students began to move around the classroom, finding partners, Albus and Scorpius didn't bother moving at all. In fact, they probably planned on staying as their own group of two anyways. It's not like Scorpius liked anyone else, and Albus had absolutely no desire to pick up the slack when a bad group member doesn't do their share. At least they could depend on one another. But when have things ever gone their way?

Daniel walked over, approaching them somewhat hesitantly. "Can I be in your group?" He was looking at Scorpius, seeming to ignore Albus's existence altogether. Albus looked annoyed, like he didn't want Daniel to be anywhere near him; not to mention part of a semester long project.

"Albus has made it very clear to me he's the leader in this duo, why don't you ask him?" Scorpius's sarcasm killed two birds with one stone. One, he was making fun of Albus which is always his agenda, and two, he was bringing attention to the fact Daniel ignored the brunette altogether. Daniel turns and looks at Potter, seeming uncomfortable to ask him. In any other mood, Albus probably would've told his bully to piss off. But he figured that response would please Scorpius, which he would only like to do in naughty circumstances.

"I think it's a great idea." Albus deadpans. Scorpius's face snapped up to look at him in dismay, not expecting that. Potter gave a smirk. Daniel was thrilled, Beaming and taking a seat on the other side of Scorpius. "Did you have a topic idea?"

"Yes actually." Daniel nods. "I was thinking the Cruciatus Curse." The idea was to choose a hex, curse, potion, or something else of the like; and research different things about it. History, origins, what was the purpose and affect of each piece of magic, etc. Scorpius put his pen down on the table.

"I don't like that idea." He speaks up.

"Why not? You probably have more insight about it than the two of us." Daniel prompts, and Scorpius met his dark gaze with a glare.

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