65 Stranger

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Diagon Alley wasn't exactly the safest place for Scorpius to be. It was out in the open. Anyone could be in the crowds of people, spying on him. It was past noontime, and it was like all the wizards and witches in London came out. And Flourish and Blotts was crowded with people. Scorpius was going to have trouble isolating Delphini from the customers and ask if she could hear magical objects.

Not to mention how awkward this all was going to be. They hadn't spoken since Scorpius's birthright had been splattered all over the Daily Prophet. Had Aries told her about him? He was anxious to go in there. Even more anxious to be looking like this- so human looking. Scorpius cared more about his appearance to talk to Delphini in Oliver's clothes that hung off him.

It bothered him so much that he actually went in for new clothes at the wizard shop in Diagon Alley. They all knew Scorpius in there, as that's the only place Draco ever got his clothes from. So he went inside with Olly's clothes, and came back out looking stylish. His boots were more functionality than style, were extremely simple. His black coat was nearly identical to the one he had at home- and couldn't go back to get.

They were nice clothes, but also casual. And with the crowds of people, even with his bright hair, no one should turn a glance at him.

Scorpius went into the bookstore, meandering around to find his half-aunt. It was so weird to think that Delphini was related to him. With her silver hair and blue tips. Grey eyes. The eyes, at least, did seem to look like his. He probably resembled her more than Cypress, actually.

He found her talking to a customer, a smile on her face. She looked so... innocent. Nice. She wanted nothing to do with this war. Aries had made an unbreakable vow just to keep Delphi out of this. And Scorpius was here, ruining that. Was this selfish?

When the customer leaves, Scorpius walked up to her. Delphi's smile slowly disappeared as she sees him. She'd read the papers. She knew who he was. How they were related. "Scorpius Malfoy. Or should I call you Salazar Riddle?" She wasn't as bubbly as she was with the other customer. Scorpius wondered how alike she was to Aries after all. They were raised together, even though Delphi was years older.

"Salazar Black is fine. That's the name Cypress gave me." Scorpius replies just as coldly. She quieted a little then. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't urgent. Can we talk?" The girl sets a book down that was in her hands. "Alone?" He gestures to all the people. Delphini looked like she wanted to say no, but she didn't.

The girl lead them to the back of the store and through the employee door. The room was small, unorganized books stacked everywhere. "What do you want?" She demands when they were out of earshot of everyone else.

"That's all you have to say to me?" Scorpius wonders. She crossed her arms over her working apron.

"You expect me to automatically like you just because we're related?" Her question was valid. That's probably exactly what he'd ask if the situation was reversed.

"Well I haven't done anything to offend you." Scorpius pauses. "Have I?" Delphi's jawline was even as narrow as Scorpius's. The more he looked, the more the resemblance was uncanny.

"I suppose not. I'm sorry about Cypress."

"Are you? Aries is the one who murdered him right in front of me." Scorpius shot back unflinchingly. Delphini looked down. She blamed herself then, it seemed like. If Aries only killed Cypress because Selwyn made her, and Aries only did what he said because of the unbreakable vow- then it makes sense why this girl in front of him would feel that way. Guilty. "You already knew that."

"She told me." The girl confirmed.

"I hardly knew him." Scorpius shrugs off her sentiment. "Like you said, just because someone's blood related doesn't mean they like one another. I didn't know him well enough to like or dislike him."

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