5 Social Food Chain

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It was three days later, at detention. Scorpius was sitting beside Albus in the empty classroom. Only two others were there today, Daniel and another kid who was a couple years younger than the fifth years. They sat far away from Scorpius and Albus, silently studying and doing homework. Albus seemed to have totally forgotten about their short conversation in the Great Hall, but it was all Malfoy could think about. He couldn't stop wondering if Albus just said that to get a rise out of him. Because damn, it worked. Scorpius tried to not let anything bother him, especially embarrass him.

But now just thinking about their conversation made him feel uncomfortably warm. And he knew Scorpius's head needed a closure to the whole thing in order to stop thinking about it and pretending it never happened. So he spit out two words that he never said seriously. "I'm sorry." There was a moment of silence, and he figured Albus hadn't heard him. Scorpius's eyes stayed glued to his textbook, as though he hadn't just said that. He wasn't looking for a conversation, just closure so it could escape his mind.

"Are you talking to me?" Albus finally asked. Scorpius shrugs nonchalantly. "Why are you sorry, exactly? You're Scorpius Malfoy. You never believe you have anything to apologize for." He adds. Scorpius bit his bottom lip, feeling nervous. Because I was an asshole?

"Because of my comment about Luke." He replies simply, letting it drop. Clearly the term had upset Albus, and he didn't want any bad blood between them. Albus is the only acquaintance he's ever had. Scorpius even considered the possibility that he and Potter might become friends down the road. Even if he is annoying sometimes. But now Albus put down his book and turned to look at the platinum haired boy beside him, seeming to recall the Great Hall incident.

"I don't give a fuck." Albus's language suggested otherwise. Scorpius looked up at the cuss word. Hearing Potter curse wasn't a common thing. "I don't." His emerald eyes met Scorpius's ocean blue ones. Scorpius knew he had just done what he never intended. Started a conversation about it. Because at this point Albus had something to say and Scorpius would be forced to hear it. Malfoy resisted the urge to be rude and tell him to drop it already. "I respect your opinion, even if i don't share it. But you know it's the twenty first-"

"I'm not homophobic." Scorpius cuts off his words, and Albus raised an unconvinced eyebrow. Malfoy was now defensive, not wanting anyone to think he could be some stuck up guy who was close-minded to homosexuality. Cause that's not what this was about. "I'm not." He repeated, as though the second time would persuade Potter.

"Well, I don't care if you are or aren't." Albus shrugs, glancing back to his book open on his desk. Scorpius's legs were up on his desk, textbook open across his lap.

"How could you not care? You're a faggot." Scorpius inquired. It's as if now, he couldn't stop the words from flying out of his mouth. And he regretted it as soon as he said it.

"Gay isn't a bad word, Scorpius." Albus snorted under his breath. Scorpius shifted uncomfortably as he continued. "Faggot is rude, and demeaning. So unless you're intentionally trying to be a dick-"

"I'm not. It just rolls off the tongue easier." Scorpius answers, and Albus saw through his bullshit like it was glass. Malfoy was losing this one, and he wished he hadn't said anything at all. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes only for a lock to fall right back into place.

"It 'rolls of the tongue easier'?" Albus repeats, chuckling a bit. Scorpius knew what was coming next, and an overwhelming amount of fear pricked his nerves, turning into rage as Potter begun. "Don't worry, I get it. You're uncomfortable about gay men who are confident in their sexuality because you aren't confident in yours." Albus begins a lecture, but nearly jumps out of his chair as Scorpius brings his fist down onto the desk with a ridiculously loud wrack. He was shaking in anger, so he clenches his fists to stop himself from doing it again. The other students turned to look at where the noise came from. Albus's eyes went wide in surprise, looking over at Scorpius.

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