6 Corruption

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Albus walked up to the recently dyed platinum haired boy, and greeted him with a small inclination of his head. Scorpius didn't acknowledge his greeting, because his eyes were focused on a group of students down the hallway. There was only three of them. All loud, obnoxious. But there was someone missing from the group. The leader of the pack. And the leader was a current novelty of Scorpius's. Something had happened, and this leader of this very feared and renown Hogwarts clique was suddenly on his own. Startlingly after the news of Albus Potter being gay- and rising to the top of the social food chain- had gone around the school. Daniel seemed to have taken his place at the bottom of the title rank.

And Daniel no longer had his bullying goons to follow him around like a pack of wolves. Someone had replaced him as alpha. Scorpius was studying the group to find out which one was the new leader. After all, the pack was borderline gangsters. Scorpius tends to disagree with most people; and they're the only known individuals who would go as far as throwing a punch. Malfoy preferred to know his enemies better than his friends. Which was rather easy considering he had no friends but countless enemies.

"You thinking about telling Daniel about his father?" Albus asked, getting his attention. Malfoy looked over at him, took in the neatly groomed appearance of the Potter. He preferred the brunette hair more messy, covering his forehead and curling around his ears. But Albus had started wearing it the way Luke likes it. With product, and a fine tooth comb. Scorpius's hair was messy, in a stylish 'I woke up like this' way. It looked particularly bright and platinum today since it had been respelled recently. Hiding his brown roots before they were noticeable.

"No. That's just speculation. There's more than one Daniel in Slytherin. Plus, he's got enough on his plate." Scorpius returns his eyes to the group, who was now walking away and down the halls to class.

"What are you talking about?" Albus followed his gaze.

"His friends turned on him. You haven't noticed?" His blue eyes met emerald ones. Albus shook his head.

"Out of sight, out of mind." He replies, then narrows his eyes suspiciously. "Why are you stalking Daniel and his ex-friends anyways?"

"I've got nothing else to do. You're constantly surrounded with people now, joining my twin sister in the spotlight. And thank Merlin for that, I've gotten a break from the social life because of your rise to power." Scorpius explains. "In fact, I'm surprised you aren't surrounded by people now. Where's that posse of females who follow you around?" Albus smirked at his question, his eyes crinkling at the sides with amusement.

"No one approaches me when I'm talking to you. I don't think anyone would dare." Potter crosses his arms over his chest. Scorpius leaned against the stone Column, making it look like he was a couple inches shorter- Albus's height. He had no books or anything in his arms, no backpack on. Potter carries his bag with his books, clearly on the way to class when he stopped to converse with Malfoy. "I needed a break from people asking me to be their GBF." Albus continues. Scorpius sends him a questionable look and he breaks down the acronym. "Gay Best Friend."

"I didn't think that was actually a thing." Malfoy retorts. "I'm case you didn't get the memo, Potter- people fear me. That means they won't interrupt a conversation with me. Or stand within a few feet." His eyes follow a pair of students as they walk past Scorpius in a wide arch. As though standing too close might wake the beast. "It's exciting. Having people walk on eggshells around me, worried I'll snap. It's like I'm Voldemort." Scorpius grins wide, and Albus gives him a black look. A look that said he shouldn't like the joke because it was in bad taste, but still had to prevent the corners of his lips from lifting in mirth.

"Did you get a new phone?" He asked. Scorpius had called his father from Raven's phone, having to take ownership of his actions. Which he did, but then Draco seemed to have a problem with his arrogance and attitude, refusing to buy him a new phone until he graduated Hogwarts. Scorpius told him something along the lines of, at least I won't be succumbed to answering your calls every week. That started a whole other argument. Draco only checked in every week because that's what their mother use to do. Astoria Malfoy actually seemed to like her children, and miss them when they were at school.

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