3 A Long Day

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Scorpius sat on the bench, blowing smoke out of his mouth from the lit cigarette between his fingers. He was in a large light Grey hoodie, and ripped skinny jeans. Cold air blew against him, small droplets of water catching in his dyed hair. The overcast made his eyes look more grey than blue. It was Saturday, so the Hogwarts campus was empty. Most students where in Hogsmeade, or hanging out with friends. Perhaps both. Not Malfoy. He and everyone else who's in trouble with the Headmistress isn't allowed extracurricular activities. Going to Hogsmeade is a privilege that they don't have.

He didn't mind. It meant he wouldn't have to fake liking other students whom Raven would insist on hanging out with. Scorpius didn't like large groups of people. He didn't like people, period. But especially large groups. He was more interested in hanging out with one other person; his sister in particular. He finds her the least annoying. Or perhaps it was just because he was use to her. But today he was alone. Raven was down in Hogsmeade with Maria and friends.

Scorpius's eyes flitted around the barren lawn, sitting on the outside of the castle. In the place least occupied by other students and staff. Usually the stoners came here- but on weekends the spot was empty. Open for him. His eyes caught movement across the grass, making its way towards him. Scorpius could tell that it was Christine just by the way her long brunette hair tossed in the wind. He watched as she approached and sat down beside him, putting a foot's worth of distance between them. He glanced over at his ex girlfriend.

She wasn't just an ex, though. They were friends. Not that they hung out frequently. Or much at all. Scorpius and Christine didn't leave things the way relationships usually end. They weren't nasty towards each other. She had a soft face with soft features, covered with a light layer of makeup. Her eyes were boldened with mascara and eyeliner, freckles covered with foundation. Contouring made her cheekbones look sharper than they actually were. But she was pretty. Her eyes were a soft brunette, matching her hair. She was short and trim.

Usually she pulls off the Ravenclaw uniform skirt like a model would. But today she was simply in high waisted jeans and a long sleeve crop top. "Hey." She greets. Scorpius expands his open box of cigarettes towards her, she gives him a soft smile and takes one. He holds up his lighter, letting Christine light the smoke. "You always came here on weekends when you got in trouble. I saw about Daniel. Want to talk about it?" She asked him, taking a pull from the cig.

Scorpius shrugs. "It's not a big deal." He answers simply. But Christine knew better. She knew him. Perhaps as well as Raven did. And so his reply brought a light smile to her face. As though she recognized the lie, even if he didn't himself. Scorpius hated that about her. She knew everything. Or at least she thought she did, and sometimes that was worse. "Why aren't you at Hogsmeade?" He inquired, watching her curiously.

"I was busy this morning with the tutoring center. I'm going to be busy teaching Potions to your twin sister." She announces, and he found himself rolling his eyes.

"She went to you?"

"She said that I'm the only Ravenclaw that didn't make her want to throw herself from the Hogwarts towers."

"She's very theatrical." Scorpius responds, and they both laugh. There's a few minutes of quiet. Scorpius didn't dive in to start a conversation. And neither did she. But something was on Christine's mind. Or she wouldn't be here. And she certainly wouldn't be smoking. Malfoy knew she'd share in her own time, so he patiently waited.

"I wanted to thank you for stepping in for Albus." She finally says. Scorpius rolls his eyes again. This wasn't about her, this was because her new boyfriend- James- was Albus's older brother. She probably had an argument with James, and because he won't thank Scorpius- she decided she would. Scorpius Malfoy wasn't interested in third party interference, especially when it came to gratitude. "You saved him-"

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