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Weeks begun to pass in a blur. Between the busy life at Hogwarts and the social gossiping, Scorpius had little time for anything else. He spent breakfast and lunches with the gang- after school hours with Aries, and nights with Potter. The project in class with Daniel was smooth sailing so far. Other than light jabs in Scorpius's direction, more off-color banter than actual cruel comments, he was tolerant of Albus. He didn't even bring up the Cypress thing. There was still some moments where they all disagreed, and Scorpius thought he'd have to set his brother straight- but it never escalated. Not like it had in the past.

Slughorn had been a bit more overbearing now that Scorpius had "opened up" because he often checked on the Slytherin boy. Honestly, it was starting to annoy Scorpius. Albus asked why the Potions Professor was on his ass; so he had to explain the entire dementor situation. He hadn't really thought of catching Albus up to speed, and with Aries telling him more and more about her youth and Delphi- it's not like he could tell Albus. On that note, Scorpius did take Aries to Flourish and Blotts. He didn't go inside with her though, wanting to leave the girls to catch up by themselves. After all, Delphi didn't know he was her nephew- it might've been too shocking. Albus wasn't all that jealous of Aries since he and Scorpius were more... committed, so to speak.

They haven't really talked much about making things official. But neither of them felt like they were in a rush for it. Right now they were enjoying the flirting, stolen make out sessions, and shameless innuendos. Scorpius figured that Daniel was starting to suspect that Albus and him were a thing though, because it's not exactly like they try to hide the jokes in the dorms. Still, Albus didn't like Aries. He had made it his mission to avoid talking to her; and even weeks later still hadn't formally met her. Aries was under the impression that Potter hated her. Then again, she doesn't need validation from anyone, much less him. Scorpius didn't know what that meant, but let the girl be sour.

Girls were weird.

Ashton told Christine rather secretly that Albus and Scorpius had a thing. She kept it on the down-low, like Raven and everyone else- but still drilled Scorpius on it. He deflected every question, wondering if she was ever going to tell Xavier how she felt. Or rather; how dumb it was to fall for someone that played for the other team. She responded in a way that had him glaring; asking if he told Potter the same thing. Everything was normal; they were at each other's throats. Christine being a know-it-all, and Scorpius having a sharp tongue. He stopped listening around the time Christine suggested he stop skipping so much class.

Raven and Ashton were rather devoted to one another. They were only a couple months in but his sister couldn't shut up about him. Scorpius liked the goofy humor, dimples, and wide grin of the Aussie boy; but he didn't see what made him so special. Then again, people probably thought the same of Albus, and Scorpius felt like he was looking at the sun when he saw Potter.

James and Albus got into a massive argument about their father- and so they've been ignoring one another. Now that news of Harry Potter's affair had gone viral, so to speak, Hogwarts was buzzing with that gossip. Students were quickly scolded by Professors that overheard though, saying that was adult business and they shouldn't be talking about something that had nothing to do with them. But Harry Potter was a celebrity. That was like telling muggles to stop talking about Harry Styles; waste of breath. Rose Weasley would leave the table whenever Albus would arrive; an obvious display of being pissed at him for trivial reasons. And because Albus is Albus, he tried to excuse her behavior because 'her mom left her'. It resulted in an eye roll from his blonde-haired counter part.

There had been a few minor hazy dreams of Tom Riddle as well- which struck Scorpius as odd. Then he'd get a random one of Salazar Slytherin. They weren't monumental events. They were basic scenes. Of talking to a classmate, Dumbledore locking gazes with Tom from across the Great hall all those years ago- things that made Scorpius's stomach tie in knots. Then the visions of Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw, deep in conversation in the halls of Hogwarts. It was startling- to be taken that far back in time and see the castle. There were so few students, so little taught compared to now. Still, none of them had Scorpius waking in a cold sweat with his heart going a thousand kilometers an hour; which is the bar that Scorpius set for nightmares. When those memories started is when he'd actively try to find a way to end them. And he felt that they were coming.

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