22 Chaos

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Upon arriving back to Hogwarts, students were buzzing. Many were gossiping over what happened during break. Raven wasn't completely ignoring Scorpius now. They'd talk briefly here and there, but never seriously. He wanted to have a sit down with her; and really talk about things. Everything. Hopefully understand where he was coming from and how he hoped she'd be okay with staying 'siblings' the way they had been. Raven wasn't ready, though. She was making herself busy, particularly with Ashton. Who actually seemed to adore her and give her all the attention she craved. Scorpius felt that the relationship was healthy, from what he could see. He hoped it will stay that way.

The Potters and the Weasleys were still dealing with family drama. Both Ginny and the kids had moved out of the house and into Uncle George's. Considering George Weasley has no kids but a decent sized home, he took in his sister and her family. Scorpius didn't know if Harry was staying at the house, or what. He knew less about what was going on between Ron and Hermione. Albus had called him nearly every day after the party, they talked about random things. Scorpius heard George tease Albus about it once. Something about being friends with a Malfoy of all people- Albus just laughed. He didn't take it to heart and neither did Scorpius. Specifically considering he wasn't a Malfoy.

Albus had gotten everything in order for the next semester. He even signed on to be a tutor. McGonnagall relieved both of them from detention in a letter to their homes, which gave them full privileges back. Scorpius didn't get his hopes up; he tends to get in trouble often, even when things were going well. But Albus seemed to plan on taking advantage of this. Exclaiming how excited he was to be able to go to Hogsmeade again on the weekends.

The break was nice, he was able to cast aside Daniel and Cypress from his mind. His worries seemed to dull when he wasn't stressed with school work. Nothing strange about Argulus had popped up in the papers, leading Scorpius to believe that perhaps Cypress wasn't kidnapped- maybe he just left. Perhaps Harry- who owns the Black House- came for snoop around and so he decided to leave. Either way, Scorpius found it wasn't bothering him like it did initially. Considering how up and down his emotions had been though, he wouldn't be surprised if suddenly he became concerned.

Scorpius and Draco seemed to get on better now. It wasn't as tense between them now that everything was in the open. If they didn't get along, they weren't as frustrated about it as before. Before it felt like they had to get along. Or had to apologize. Now it wasn't like that. If they argued, they simply walked it off and then forgot about it.

Students were full of energy and news around Scorpius, and he leaned against the stone column, at his perch- as Albus called it. A notebook hung in his hand at his side and his wand and phone in his pockets. It was cold. He didn't wear his assigned uniform. He wore his Quidditch team hoodie from last year, a thick black sweatshirt with the Slytherin crest on it. Black jeans, and vans. It was something that the professors would probably tell him to change out of since it was a class day. And that's the first thing Albus commented on when he approached him that morning. "You shouldn't be wearing that."

"You shouldn't be wearing that." Scorpius retorts. Albus looked down at his uniform in confusion.

"And why not? I always wear dress code." He tucked his scarf together better, blocking out the cold breeze. Scorpius didn't answer, just looked around the hallway where students excitedly greeted their friends after two weeks. They acted like it had been two years. "I'm going to be tutoring Lysander, I just came from the library to see who I was assigned. He's in our year but not in the advanced classes." Albus explains. "Do you know who he is?"

"Yes. Lysander Scamander? He's the Squib." Scorpius offered. "The hufflepuff Squib. Get a new student. He can't do magic."

"People call me a squib. I can do magic." Albus replies rather defensively. "He's a family friend. His Mom, Luna Lovegood, is good friends with my dad."

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